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if anybody knows why the 'ell i am siting reading the forums right now at 3:00am.....


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please let me know i'd realy like to know :D:D:D


ps pls pardon the bad spelling and grammer in this very short and pointless post that is being writen at ten after 3 local time


veryveryvery AM!!!!!!!!!!!! lemmie translate that for those of you in other time zones leme think hear 3 plus 6 is 9 and no dst(akkk wont come fast enuf for me) so thats 0912 gmt 1013 rest of eurupe(sp??? i know i spelled it wrong no flames)



pps hmm post not so short now............. (demon like cackel)



ppps i think ineed more sleep.............. sleaptime nightnight



psudo sig below!!!



ok raven! gone gold, time for a demo! st skin is only nice if you have q3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sux otherwise lol :p

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ok 2 things inorder then sleep


TOMCAT: on2nd thout that can be taken as a anssor(yes sp iknow)


BOBA:no way no perty game for me. at least not during the week,meybe weekend lol


or and ot at the "other places" fourms [hack]www.jedi-outcast.com[/hack] 2 guys posted so mutch during the off peek time thay got there fourm standing changed to sometinh like "THIS IS NOT MY PRIVITE CHATROOM" maybe we need a nightowl tag hmm??? what do you think?




ps and you cant cheat by being in japan or somthing has to be dark there.







AND NO ANTARICIA!!!!!!! thats like h4x0r5 cheating:D :D :D :D


edit spelling: how the hell can i spell antaricia right the first time but not "DARK" aggggggg!!!:rolleyes:;):p:rolleyes:;):D

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dude you win!!!!i am not that nuts, at least i dont have a job on weekends ;)



IN HONOR OF JEDI ZONKOS OF THE WORLD! I I GIVE YOU A 21 YAWN SALUTE!!!:o :o :o(please multaply by 7 forums will not put 21;))


hmm jedi zonko, a new rpg class perhaps?:D

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