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In elite force 200 is the max health you can have. 100 is the health you start with. But the only way to get to 200 is to get a medi pack which ups your health points every second. Once you reach 200 the health then begins to fall back down to 100 (once the medi pack time limit has run out, 30 secs) at about 1 health point per sec.


Something similar could be in Jedi Outcast.

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

heh, i wish i could fill my gas tank up to 200% whenever it got cheap... that would be handy too :D


Haha indeed.


But I think that obtaining 200hp would be by some sort of pick-up.


The second alternativ is that they cheated when they took the picture. Making it easier to get som nice picks and not having to worry about reloading when dying.

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