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Three Saber Stances.....


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sounds sweet! cant wait 2 try!!


could you clear something up tho, what are the different stances ment for?


for example


fast: blocks best against ppl with slower stances (when attacking)


heavy: best for attacking against a person whos blocking



etc? not sure if the stuff i put is right tho :lsduel:

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In my experience, the fast style is best used against a large number of non-saber-using enemies. The saber is in front of you for the best blaster shot deflection coverage and the attacks are fast with little wind-up and are short so that you can quickly chain into another attack to take out multiple enemies in rapid succession. You can quickly cut a swath through a squad of stormtroopers this way. However, these attacks do not have much power behind them and are unlikely to ever break a parry or a block... you may even find your fast attacks deflected away by the enemy, leaving yourself open and vulnerable to a counter attack.


The medium style is best for fighting multiple saber-users. While it does not have the strength that the strong attacks use to break through defenses, it is much less likely to leave you open to counter or preemptive attacks. You can still chain attacks this way and you can attack with relative frequency, keeping the multiple enemies busy. It is a good style to mix with acrobatics and force powers.


The strong style is best when fighting another saber-user one on one, especially less maneuverable ones. It can bash through most defenses if it connects and can often kill with one blow. The drawback, though, is that it has a longer wind-up and follow-through, leaving your open for a good amount of time. Timing is crucial when using this style and a very agile enemy may not have much trouble avoiding these well-broadcast swings. It also requires more skill to chain 2 attacks together with this style. While this style can end a fight very quickly if it connects, it is vulnerable to the other styles - for example, someone using the fast attacks can nail you while you wind up for the big swing... or a medium attack user who is maneuverable can dodge the swing, spin around you and end up hitting you from behind.


The backward attacks are a bit harder to do in multiplayer than they are in SP, but they're certainly not impossible to do... and they are generally unblockable as they are powerfu, surprising moves.

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Chang, these chained attacks you speak of, they aren't special combos are they? They are the various different moves in the 3 stances done consecutively, right? How does the timing work for that? Is it easier to link together attacks from the lighter stances than from the heavy? And can you link attacks from different stances?


General Theros

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I was curious about the 'chain' attacks as well, General. But I thought about it, and for what it's worth, here are my thoughts:


The aren't any kind of pre-set combo. It's more like correctly executing a couple or few maneuvers at the right time, say when the sabre is returning to 'default' position. I am also sure you can chain between stances since you can change your stance mid swing. The ease of linking chain attacks is probably how comfortable you get with the possible moves, feel for the speed of each stance, and how comfortable you are with your keyboard-mouse setup. And as for what chain is best, I'm sure it depends on your opponents defense, or lack there of.




"Mikey Likey"

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God damn this thread is like the best EVER!


Changkhan you are the man :)


This saber system sounds SO COOL!


I wonder if you can do stabs (forward stabs)... I have three of these toy sabres (lol bought em in 99) and when my little (well, theyre getting older too now) cousins come, sometimes they pick one up if they see it and we do a little fight.... Anyway, we find stabs are like UNblockable...



How on earth do you stop a stab? It's really hard! :)



Changkhan, if you're feeling up to answering some more :D, how do spinning attacks work? Examples: Trailer 1, Kyle kills one enemy saber user, then swings clockwise to block another's saber



Trailer 2: Mara using dark rage moving forward spinning around slashing, killing two enemies


Any way to deliberately have your character spin around?




OMG im going crazy with questions, last one i promise:


Saber throw, when does it come back to your hand? Always when it's at max range or reaches a wall, or, can you (i would hope so) determine when it should come bac yourself, by pressing the secondary fire button again...


(would be ideal, for example, a stormtrooper, just outside of slashing range, quick saber throw, it hits him, you click right mouse and saber returns, rather than it flying on for nothing and leaving you exposed...)


If that aint in, how bout a patch :p

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"we now interupt this program for a special news report"


*channel 5 news theme music starts to play*


"You just witnessed a typical dutch behavior by mr Tomcat"



THIS IS THE ULTIMATE THREAD ON THE BOARDS, a Raven developer answering questions.



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BTW Neonix, you know you want to play from third person....


Give in to your anger!!!



- You can see all the cool moves


- You actually see around you



1st is not realistic cause you miss your perhipheral(sp) vision



Also, a Jedi can sense all around him, 1st is not realistic :p


play in third, it can even have a crosshair !!! :D

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sometimes they pick one up if they see it and we do a little fight.... Anyway, we find stabs are like UNblockable...


its easy to block a stab! with a normal blow you just put your saber in front of you. for a stab you parry it out of the way, like slash a it.


i made amazing "lightsabers" out of the stick part of golf clubs and with pool noodles that came with holes through them. it was a perfect fit! you could bash someone with minimal pain- amazing.

if even had a sithsaber


i can't wait to play with the new saber system!!

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I think I'll use medium the most, as it's a good balance between speed and power. After all, what good is it hitting someone but only inflicted minor wounds (light) or swinging at them, but missing because they dodge too quickly (heavy).

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I think Mr.Gummelt just couldn't wait to show off the ingenious of his lightsaber system. I have one suggestion to you folks. Read the thread before posting. ::shakes head::

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]

There is one key that cycles to the next attack style. You can cycle at any time you want, even in the middle of a swing, the new style will not take effect until the beginning of your next attack (including chained attacks... so you can do a strong attack and, if your timing is good, you can chain to a fast attack, etc.)


Daedalus, read the topic, it's already been said by the Raven guy...





See the quote...


Also, Fardreamer, good point, but, it usually happens in my room and i dont have any room (no pun intended) to sidestep :)



So any ideas for countering stabs when you cannot move to the right OR left?


Slash away then? lol

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Originally posted by Obi

I think Mr.Gummelt just couldn't wait to show off the ingenious of his lightsaber system.



I think thats why we got so many g(o)od posts by him in this thread, he likes his baby!


Keep em coming ChangKhan, we're hanging on your lips! (is that the correct expression?!

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

Keep em coming ChangKhan, we're hanging on your lips! (is that the correct expression?!


lol. I think you mean "Hanging on his every word." Hanging on his lips would probably be annoying to him...and...rather painful.


There is lots of great info here on the art of the lightsaber. I can't wait to pick it up in level 5 and start training with remotes and sparring with students. Atleast, I hope you can beat up Luke's whiny students, especially Kyp Durron. That would be pretty cool.

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