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Three Saber Stances.....


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Changkhan, do you feel confident going up against gun users with the saber?


What guns can the saber block, and which cant it?

Can it block a Disruptor rifle blast?



I'm just pondering about the saber vs gunner kind of fight :)


Care to tell us about it? :D

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Saber deflecting will probably be limited to blaster-type shots, same as it was in JK(dunno about the Bowcaster though, I believe they're energy-covered projectiles or something?) Saber vs Gun will probably be pretty similar too - Pull the gun out of their hand, run up and kill them.

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Most of my questions have been answered, and im eagerly anticipating dueling with my friends in duel mode.


My question(s), Dismemberment, is it in, will it act as a one hit kill? can you do it in multiplayer, and can you cut different parts according to where you are aiming?


If you cant answer any of these questions for fear of ruining the surprise, just say "wait and see" ill take that as a good sign :)


thanks again, answering these questions mean alot to us and im already freaking out at the possibilties of what i can do with a saber, switching stances with a key, hmmm me thinks i found a new bind for mouse button 2

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

hiho all just fyi there is another thread about stances http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34951

but its subject has come dont to"how do you tell what stance you are in by looking?" maybe we can get some ansers, anybody? ChangKhan? i would be forced to wash your car and/or lick your boots if youd anser however:D you have been warned :D


If you look on the 2nd page of this thread, I graphically illustrate what the three stances will look like.

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

hiho all just fyi there is another thread about stances http://www.lucasforums.com/showthre...&threadid=34951

but its subject has come dont to"how do you tell what stance you are in by looking?" maybe we can get some ansers, anybody? ChangKhan? i would be forced to wash your car and/or lick your boots if youd anser however you have been warned [/b]



Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]


If you look on the 2nd page of this thread, I graphically illustrate what the three stances will look like.



Hey Chang, I looked on both pages and didn't find anything that you posted. Are you sure this is where it is?


Only if the forum search option was enabled...



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Originally posted by acgreen


Hey Chang, I looked on both pages and didn't find anything that you posted. Are you sure this is where it is?


Only if the forum search option was enabled...




If you're in this thread (the one you're in right now: Three Saber Stances.....), all you have to do is look at the top of page 2 of this thread... here's a direct link.


As for the HUD question, yes, the colored bar above the lightsaber icon (where ammo usually is) is the indicator of your current lightsaber style.

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Why is it nobody who makes SW games ever acknowledges the fact that saber damage is pointless?

I don't know if I read correctly, but it appears that you have light hits that don't do much damage, normal hits, and heavy hits that practically kill you.


In SW, you get hit with a saber, it cuts straight through whatever was hit, and if there was something important in the way, you die. Basically, you get hit with a saber, you die.


Also, 'heavy' vs. 'light' sabers are pointless, because a saber doesn't really have mass. Whatever you want to call it, it's almost weightless, save the handle weight.


I'm done yelling and ranting over everything done wrong in EVERY star wars game ever, so I'll ask questions:


Will there be different saber styles? I'm not referring to stances, or speed/damage ratios, but will there just plain be different styles? Example - the difference between Qui Gonn's and Darth Maul's single blade style. They obviously fought differently with a regular old single blade saber. Will this be used?


Will there be saber damage? I explained a tad angrily that one should die with one saber hit, as they would, but will that happen?


Will there be primary and secondary fire, like in JK DF II, or will there only be one attack button?


...And so on and so forth.

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]


If you're in this thread (the one you're in right now: Three Saber Stances.....), all you have to do is look at the top of page 2 of this thread... here's a direct link.


As for the HUD question, yes, the colored bar above the lightsaber icon (where ammo usually is) is the indicator of your current lightsaber style.


Thanks man. I feel really stupid now :confused: ...


My observation of the colored bar to show the saber stances is this. No bar(black and invisible I guess)=Light stance. Blue Bar=Medium and yellow bar=Heavy. Is this correct? If you can answer that is...



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I think they made the sacrifice on saber damage for the sake of gameplay. Think about it, you go to fight a reborn or a level boss, you hit him with the saber and bingo he's dead....real challenge there. Or the other way around, he gets in a lucky shot....you're dead, time to load from your last save. It would start to get on my nerves that if everytime I encountered a saber-wielding enemy he got in a lucky shot and killed me. I would eventually lose interest. I know an arguement could be made that they program the AI to fight better...I dont know squat about making computer games but I would assume that making an AI complicated enough to anticipate your moves would be damn difficult.

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Apparently you didn't read this thread at all, Chaos. The light, medium, and heavy refer to stances, not the weight of the lightsaber. It's the strength of the swings. You don't die instantly from a lightsaber hit in the arm or in the foot. It hurts, yes. Sometimes very much, but it's not an instant kill unless it pierces a vital organ. There is locational damage thanks to GHOUL2 and maybe even dismemberment in MP(That's what I want to know most. About dismemberment, in SP and MP. The extent of dismemberment that you can do etc.) It would be boring if all the fighting was like JK where a hit in the foot was an instant kill. Secondary fire for the lightsaber is lightsaber throw. I personally think that this may just be the best swashbuckling game of all time, Chaos. You should read the rest of this thread more carefully.

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Originally posted by XxCHAoSxX

In SW, you get hit with a saber, it cuts straight through whatever was hit, and if there was something important in the way, you die. Basically, you get hit with a saber, you die.


In ESB, at the end, Luke hits Vadar high on the shoulder, yet he does not die, or even loose his arm.


Also, 'heavy' vs. 'light' sabers are pointless, because a saber doesn't really have mass. Whatever you want to call it, it's almost weightless, save the handle weight.


They are not pointless because they are dueling technques. And the Heavy stances will be bigger damage moves, that is bigger swing of the sabre. The bigger swing will create more momentum thus being a heavy move. In comparrison, light stance attacks are short swings which are quicker, but don't have the 'force' of a bigger swing behind them. Now if you add in the fact that a sabre is not a 1hit 1 kill weapon, but causes varying degrees of damage, it all makes sense.


Will there be primary and secondary fire, like in JK DF II, or will there only be one attack button?


Your attacks will be based on the mouse 1 button and the 6 basic maneuvering buttons. The alt fire for the sabre is a 'sabre toss'.





You beat me Obi:D

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Yes, Zek, balance is the main issue of the lightsaber (in MP anyways) If you are a newb and go against some other leet guy, and he jumps over you can slices you in the back before you can even turn around is horrible. Having a one-hit kill lightsaber would be like having a full-auto disruptor.

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The power behind the swing is meaningless, because the blade will pass through the body with the same ease regardless. The varying damage is just for balance.


Refer back to the comment made about ESB where Vader got hit in the shoulder with Luke's saber, but his arm didnt get cut off. In game, that'd probably be the equivalent of getting hit with a "light" swing. If you were to get hit in the same spot with a "heavy" hit, it'd chop off your arm. So not, it's not totally meaningless.


And Chaos/Havoc, dont whine just because you wont always get a one-hit-one-kill. I'm sorry you dont like games that take skill to kill people. But I refer you back to what HBK said.

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Vade was wearing some form of saber-resistant armour. The hit he sustained was pretty "heavy", I would say.


In any case, while a saber would probably kill you regardless of the type of swing, it's not true that it' cuts with infinate ease. There is resistance of the flesh/bones to the blade.

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I agree with you to a degree Zek, a harder swing would pass through the body with more ease than a lighter attack. Plus the heavy stance can knock away a weaker stance or defense.


The different stances are obviously different styles, read the earlier posts. Different stances mean different attacks not just a different stance.


One hit kills while true to the Star Wars universe make for boring duels and as Shark said i would hate to restart just because some reborn got a lucky shot in.


Damage wise, i think Light stance = 20-25 % damage Medium = 30-40 % damage, and Heavy = 90-100 % damage, plus you have to take in shields taking some of the damge also.


ChangKhan doesnt have to answer these questions, I think you should show a little respect for him and the job he does, especially since you have NO expierience doing what he does for a living.

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Originally posted by Obi

The light, medium, and heavy refer to stances, not the weight of the lightsaber. It's the strength of the swings.


It's the speed and the extention of the swings, which is why they're called "fast", "medium" and "strong" (not "light" or "heavy"). You can understand that a saber that just grazes you (fast attack) will do less damage than one that slowly slashes it's entire length through your body...

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Originally posted by Zek

The power behind the swing is meaningless, because the blade will pass through the body with the same ease regardless. The varying damage is just for balance.


Also, the different styles represent the tradeoff between speed and potency against defenses. Fast attacks can attack in rapid fire but are easily deflected, strong attacks are slow and can knock the enemy's lightsaber away, allowing the attack to continue through and do damage.

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