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Jedi Knight II: Box


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Hey all, this is my first time here...


Aight, since i know everything else i want to know about Jedi Knight II i was just wondering one thing; will raven new game(s) be featured in these new EA game boxes we seem to see being used by other companies as well?


These are the boxes with a decreased size of about half. They are very smart (what needs to be placed in the old huge boxes) and besides wanting to play this game very bad, i wouldnt mind being able to desplay is as well.


So any thoughts, idea's, and/or comfirms?





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Wow, thanks for the information...i didnt think of looking at EB. They always have those desplays early. And when they had XBOX boxes, and GAMECUBE boxes (both pieces of crap) they ended up being identical... Guess only time will tell...


For now i am going to dream about all the things i could do with my lightsabre, peace. :saberb:

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The new smaller box sizes are not EA's doing. They are the new agreed upon standard for all computer game boxes. A group of game publishing companies got together a few months ago and agreed upon the standard. EA was the first company to implement it, but Activsion has also released games in the new box size.

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Personally, I hate the new box sizes.


It limits the size of manuals, extra literature and hotkey reference cards. Sure all that stuff may not matter, but what if you're playing games like flight/space simulations (I mean hardcore ones like Echelon or I-War or FreeSpace 2).


Those games need all the reference material and literature as possible. What really surprised me is that the only thing that hasn't been limited are the PRICES(!).


You'd think with less, paper, paint, binding, material they'd be able to lower the prices instead of raising them any further!


Yay for capitalism! You pay more for less.


(Sorry, teen angsty mood right now)



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Who ever market this collector Tin was eating to many wampa burgers,unless you have money to burn getting the "Tin" is a waste of money.If its true all you get is a copy of D.F.,J.K. and maybe a keychain forget it.Have they forgotten they have release those game many times over,to fork over more "republic credits" they should have marketed toward the diehard JediKnight fans with unique items ie: a miniture lightsader or a action figure base on the game or how about advance tickets to the AOTC...hehe whatever that would justify getting the Tin.I will just get the regular edition.:fett:;)

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First off...


Thank you for the information on the "new standard boxes" i did not know that it wasnt EA, and then Activision following.


And as for consoles...


I am sorry, but there is only one thing that will ever advance in technology and offer the best games possible in every genre; PC. Gamecube is going show their Metroid, Mario, and Zelda, then thats it, it will fall to the ground. And while XBOX cant fail because it is Gates' and well we all know whats in his pockets...still the support for XBOX really sucks, and the price is enormous, and XBOX's are exploading, yes thats right, exploading all over the place, you also see alot of "out of order" signs in the screens of an XBOX.


Now back on topic...


How can you not like those new boxes? Manual have never succeeded the size of that box. Dont think that the manuals can only go into the CD case cause thats not true ex: Undying came with a full manual located at the bottom of the box. Anyways, the new boxes rock!


:saberb: BlueJedi

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JK and MotS' books were both oddshaped, long enough to fit in the box, but definately not in the CD cases.


I have to agree that with these new box sizes, Manuals and Key Reference Sheets will eventually get smaller (or non-existant).


But, Ref. Sheets only come in handy for myself if I'm playing a Flying Game.

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Originally posted by BlueJedi

Hey all, this is my first time here...


Aight, since i know everything else i want to know about Jedi Knight II i was just wondering one thing; will raven new game(s) be featured in these new EA game boxes we seem to see being used by other companies as well?


These are the boxes with a decreased size of about half. They are very smart (what needs to be placed in the old huge boxes) and besides wanting to play this game very bad, i wouldnt mind being able to desplay is as well.


So any thoughts, idea's, and/or comfirms?






BlueJedi - Welcome to the Forums....


Yes, the JKII box will be the smaller EA-like boxes. I was surprised to see them myself... but they look great. (And this will change my LucasArts-wall-of-Games.) The collector's edition tin version will be a larger.

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Being an EB employee and playing every title for both Xbox and Gamecube heres my prognosis(sp)


Xbox, if you spent 300 bucks to play Halo, then your in the clear. Everyother title on this system is available on another system or is just pure crap. Most games blow on the Xbox.


GameCube, More Quality than Quantity. Smash Bros, Pikmin, Rogue Leader, Soccer Slam(played an early release version) are all insanely fun. And with Metroid, Star Fox, Mario, Soul Caliber 2, EA sports, Square!!, Resident Evil. and most likey a whole slew of other Capcom titles, it is a strong console.


PS2, more games, also means more bad games. Jak and Daxter rocks though.


but who cares, PC owns the 2 console and the wannabe PC.

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Originally posted by Caster

Personally, I hate the new box sizes.


It limits the size of manuals, extra literature and hotkey reference cards. Sure all that stuff may not matter, but what if you're playing games like flight/space simulations (I mean hardcore ones like Echelon or I-War or FreeSpace 2).



Caster - I kinda wish all my boxes were the smaller size. It doesn't really limit the manuals in anyway. What it does limit is all the promotional materials that come with most games.


What I really hated was when buying an expansion for any game... you get a huge box with just a CD-case inside. Talk about a waste...

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I am very much a hardcore PC gamer, however, I do enjoy the games I have for XBOX.


Whoever said they like GC over XBOX - are you, what 6 years old? Nintendo markets for children, hence look at the majority of their games.


Sure they will throw out a few mature games every once and a while, but overall - kid games. And GC has just as many ports on their system as XBOX does.


XBOX has more games than GC. And they are more mature and fun.

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"Whoever said they like GC over XBOX - are you, what 6 years old? Nintendo markets for children, hence look at the majority of their games.


Sure they will throw out a few mature games every once and a while, but overall - kid games. And GC has just as many ports on their system as XBOX does.


XBOX has more games than GC. And they are more mature and fun."--Squalliss


Huh? Who ever said a game that can be played by 6 year olds AND adults is an "immature game". Really, the games (and the gamers) that have (or like, in the case of the gamers) tons and tons of blood and gore, are the one that are immature. You can easily enjoy Super Smash brothers if you are 8 or 30, same with most of the other Gamecube titles. Please don't tell me you're one of those people that looks at a game and says: "Woah, I don't see any gore or nudity in this game, it sucks!". BTW, I like the GameCube and the XBOX, but I like them for what they are, and the gameplay their games have, not for any supposed "maturity level" that comes with playing those games.


Err... well anyway, back on topic, I actually like the new boxes quite a bit, they're cool and compact looking...

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GC better then Xbox, That will be the day. Are you 5 years old, kid. I have an xbox, and it sucks... gamecube sucks eveing more. F*** they all suck. Only PCs are for me.


And for the new boxes, then F***ing rule!


sorry I'm in a bad mood!

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