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Chose Your Sabre Colour


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Silver would be fine(though maybe a little overused), but Black just wouldn't look right for a saber.


Bah, what is it with you people? Why is silver okay, but at the mention of black, everybody peters out and gets all "well it doesn't fit in somehow."


Anybody ever hear of BFP? Black sabers have been a part of JK for the past three years... nobody complained until now!


I guess this is the generation that's been indoctrinated with the idea that there are only a few "correct" saber colors and everything else is just wrong somehow. Trust me... after awhile you'll get used to them and they won't seem so "alien."


What do you think EU authors do all day? They think of new ways they can throw stuff into the SW universe that wasn't there before... and I'm not the only one who thinks a black saber is a cool idea, just read some of those other posts. Notice how I don't go around saying that people shouldn't be able to use a blue saber, because it's somehow wrong, even though I think we've seen enough blue sabers in games. In MP we'll be able to pick, and I'm assuming we'll only have the rainbow colors that we had in JK, but with the help of mods.. dreams like mine *will* be a reality!


If you choose not to use them, that's fine, but for those that do, stand aside!


As far as "overuse" is concerned, that's not something that can be controlled. The Boba Fett and Darth Vader skins in JK looked awesome, but tons of people used them. Canyon Oasis was a cool level, but everybody played it to death. But that's the risk you take when you give people options... sorry to say.


You die first nancy boy


Looks like that's two dates! I'm gonna be busy...

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I don't think it's hard to understand why the concept of a black lightsaber simply doesn't make any sense, and really clashes with what a lightsaber as put forth in SW even means.


Clearly anyone who desires a black lightsaber doesn't really dig lightsabers, and I am puzzled as to why they would be interested in a game based around the weapon.


I'm going to do my best to avoid straying into being insulting... but tell me, can my conclusion be avoided? and my conclusion is... in simpler terms.


For a person to arrive at the opinion that they want a black saber, they must basically sit down... look at all the lightsabers in the movies, etc... and then say "hmm, I don't like those" in some way. They feel they need improvement, they feel they're not cool enough. So what I'm asking is, why then do they have any interest in it at all?


I guess I'll never get it.


I don't think it makes much sense to try to make a connection between people who are against black lightsabers and people who are new to the JK series or sabers at all, in fact I think a good case could be made for the opposite relationship.


I was playing JK as soon as it was there to be played, and it didn't take me long to decide that black sabers, as well as the other lame ones like the lightning one... etc... were just that, lame. So why did I use the BFP? for the skins. And there is one good thing about black sabers, they let me know who I should try to kill with EXTRA fervor :)


If we're going to get into try to make conjectures about other personality traits or histories and preferences of the people on either side of this debate, I would venture a guess that most people who are craving a black lightsaber... are 13 year old matrix/boba fett/the crow/korn - loving cheaters.


Bad assness is not best displayed by a black trenchcoat, or a black saber... it is best displayed by performance in combat. And I will plow through the hordes of chumps decked out as Morpheus in a black boba fett suit with 2 double-bladed black lightstaves (one in each hand) and they will enter my score most promptly.


Of course, skill is not shown well by talking on an MB either so, I will await the day in the near future when I can take out the trash.

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Whooooooooooa, Hold. You just crossed the line between mean and evil. So if i am a 13 year old, does that make me any more of a newb that you are LOL I THINK NOT. And another thing boba fett kicks @$$ so dont diss him you punk. I think the only thing you gonna be plowing through is a corn field buddy.

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LOL, Pipe Smoke.


He's not trying to be insulting. He's just playing on Star Wars Gaming stereotypes. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think the same thing initially of black saber users... or people that are fascinated with uber-cool jet-black items and apparel.


I'm definitely one who uses a blue lightsaber. That's it. Pure and simple.


I've got nothing against green,


, and red. They're in the movies. Yellow though, I'm not opposed to.


I'm just not too fond of silver or black (if that's even possible).


But that's only my opinion. You're free to run around with your silver and black lightsabers... and your Wolverine, Neo, The Rock, Legolas, Terminator, and Jean Claude Van Dam skins. ;)

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I don't think it's hard to understand why the concept of a black lightsaber simply doesn't make any sense, and really clashes with what a lightsaber as put forth in SW even means.


So far I've reviewed the reasons it doesn't make sense, but so far all I've really seen are these:


1) Black isn't a color or blocks all light, so a black saber would be invisible (thus it would be cheating).


2) Black sabers aren't seen in the movies, so they are impossible.


Now I don't accept either of those because for 1: we don't know how sabers work. Yes, it's true there are various descriptions in various "official" (but not canonical) sources that make attempts to explain how sabers work. Most of them use pseudo-science or contradict one another, thus it is impossible to know for sure (even if we suspend disbelief that this is ficitonal technology).

As a result, you can no more "prove" that black sabers are impossible, than you can prove they are possible. All we can offer is speculation based on real science, or pseudo-science, until the time (if ever) that canon sources back us up.


I've posted links to try to show that the method of saber operation and color is NOT set in stone, and that other theories exist as to how they operate rather than through crystal optics. I have also shown quick and dirty graphical representations of what black sabers might look like if they were real. Yet instead of agreeing that I may have a point, you continue to plod on with the same "it's not right/cool" kind of statements. Hey, it's alright not to like it, I never asked you to, just that I asked you to respect my right to like it if I want, and I resent the notion that I am somehow inferior because I hold a different opinion on what I like!


HOWEVER, with regard to canon, let it be known that obviously many things in the "official" Star Wars universe are not canon. Canon covers only the films, the screenplays, the film novelisations, and the radio dramas (in that order). Everything else, though official, does not have to fit in any way shape or form with the previously mentioned canon. And in fact the "EU" as it is commonly called, contradicts it in numerous places. The lightsaber site I posted a bit ago points out numerous places where the (apparently rather popular) I, Jedi novel severally contradicts numerous other sources for example. So, even if Black sabers are impossible in the canon, that doesn't mean they are impossible in the EU. You could have a book that says they are impossible and another book that says they are possible, and it would be no more contradictory than some of the other stuff we've seen so far. SO... I think I'm free to speculate that they might exist, even if nobody else agrees.



Clearly anyone who desires a black lightsaber doesn't really dig lightsabers, and I am puzzled as to why they would be interested in a game based around the weapon.


That is utterly and completely false. I LIKE the idea of lightsabers, I think they are "cool" (for lack of a better word). I like several lightsaber colors, in fact. I like red, green, blue, gold, orange, purple... but when I say I like "black" I said that because it's an unusual color, that I happen to like, that not as many people like. So why use it? Because it stands out. Why use a blue lightsaber when 99.999% of people are also using blue lightsabers? I like other colors and use them often in JK/MotS and other games, but I don't get as many opportunities to use black. It's not because I "don't dig sabers" or anything like that. I like Star Wars. And black happens to be my favorite color! But that doesn't mean I don't like other colors. I think people should use whatever color saber they want. I may think that a pink polka dot saber is UGLY, but I won't try to dissuade somebody from using one, if that's what they like.


I'm going to do my best to avoid straying into being insulting...


Sounds like a good plan... ; )


but tell me, can my conclusion be avoided? and my conclusion is... in simpler terms.


For a person to arrive at the opinion that they want a black saber, they must basically sit down... look at all the lightsabers in the movies, etc... and then say "hmm, I don't like those" in some way.


No. I like other colors, I just wanted something different, so of my choices, this is what I choose. This isn't the ONLY color I will ever use, but it's one I would LIKE to use. So that's my free choice. When I watch the SW films I don't say to myself "gee, those sabers suck, I wish they all used black ones."


They feel they need improvement, they feel they're not cool enough. So what I'm asking is, why then do they have any interest in it at all?


No. If everyone used the exact same color all the time, in both games and movies, it would get boring. That is why games have lots of skins and sabers to choose from, so you can pick and choose. I usually pick a skin I like, but sometimes I'll pick a different skin for variety. Similarly, I will use different sabers for varieties sake. Black just happens to be one of the ones I like, is that so *wrong*? Apparently in your mind.. it is.



I guess I'll never get it.


This is all there is to get:


Some people like things that you may not like at all, and in fact you may think they are stupid, but that does NOT mean that the person who likes those things that you do not like is themselves "stupid" for liking them. They may have valid reasons, or it may be they just have different tastes!


I don't think it makes much sense to try to make a connection between people who are against black lightsabers and people who are new to the JK series or sabers at all, in fact I think a good case could be made for the opposite relationship.


Are you trying to say that people who are against black sabers are all veterans? I know for a fact that one person who mentioned black sabers in a favorable way was in fact a long-time JK/MotS player. And me? I've been playing for years, nobody could possibly accuse me of being a "newbie" or "inexperienced."


I was playing JK as soon as it was there to be played, and it didn't take me long to decide that black sabers, as well as the other lame ones like the lightning one... etc... were just that, lame.


And after you made that decision, I hope you never used them, because that would have caused you pain. That's perfectly fine. But the people who did like to use them, I imagine, used them despite your disdain.


So why did I use the BFP? for the skins.


So did most people. There weren't that many sabers included in BFP/2/2.1/2x. And in fact, I rarely if ever used those extra sabers. I did make extensive use of custom sabers though, especially the boost2, dark, and sthandb sabers. I also extensively used the standard JK saber colors. I agree that if you think something is lame, you shouldn't use it, but not everyone agrees with you, and they are free to make up their own minds. The options are put into the game, and into mods, so that people have a CHOICE, that's the important thing.


And there is one good thing about black sabers, they let me know who I should try to kill with EXTRA fervor


That's fine too. Sort of like if somebody had a Jar Jar skin, and you went after them. If it were me, sometimes I'd pick a silly skin or something, to try to get people to come after me, and it made defeating them with the silly skin that much more funny. ; )


There is sometimes that "psychological" angle to the game, and that can make it more fun.


If we're going to get into try to make conjectures about other personality traits or histories and preferences of the people on either side of this debate, I would venture a guess that most people who are craving a black lightsaber... are 13 year old matrix/boba fett/the crow/korn - loving cheaters.


Let me consult my personal checklist:


Not 13 years old.... check


Boba Fett fan.... nope. he's just another SW character.


Matrix fan... it was a nice movie, but just another action flick.


The Crow... again, another action flick. the sequels were bad.


Korn... listened to a couple of their songs a few years ago, I can't remember them. sorry, not a fan.


Cheater.... Nope, not a cheater.


Well, I guess I didn't fit into your stereotypes! So I guess that proves your theory wrong right there... may I suggest a revision?



Bad assness is not best displayed by a black trenchcoat, or a black saber... it is best displayed by performance in combat.


Of course, but you can't blame somebody for wanting to look their best. Do you pick a skin that you think looks cool, or do you pick one that you think looks ugly and boring? Think about it. If you pick something you like, then you're doing the same thing you accuse others of... nobody is saying that by playing as Boba Fett or whomever that you are assuming you're good. No, you just pick something that you like, and who cares what others think. The only time I even bother, as I said, to pick a skin to affect others is if I do like in the "Jar Jar" example, just because its funny to have everyone go after you.


And I will plow through the hordes of chumps decked out as Morpheus in a black boba fett suit with 2 double-bladed black lightstaves (one in each hand) and they will enter my score most promptly.


Here you're assuming that all good players use boring skins and/or don't use those skins. True, I've met many players who used the Mandalor or Vader skins that were horrible players, but then I've met some that used those skins that were quite good. You shouldn't go judging somebody's skill level by the skin/saber they pick. ; )


Of course, skill is not shown well by talking on an MB either so, I will await the day in the near future when I can take out the trash.


Exactly! You're just expressing your opinions, which I must admit, seem kind of illogically based, but this is a good way for you to see that your stereotypes don't "fit." We're all awaiting that day...



Now, if you want a taste of what it's like to be ill-treated, give me a list of the stuff you like (music, movies, sports, hobbies, whatever) and then I'll make fun of them and sterotype you based on them...


Sound like fun? [/sarcasm]



Hey wait.. I know.. you like basic blue/green lightsabers because you want to fit in. That's the ticket.. you see the SW movies and say "I want to be just like that.. that's cool." So instead of imitating something you don't like (black, Matrix, whatever) you imitate Star Wars. In your mind you are being

"cool" because you're imitating something cool. But who's to say your notion of what's cool is better than my notion or somebody else's?


And who are YOU to dictate what I can like or dislike? See how silly this is?


The reason people make mods, is not because they necessarily hate and despise the options that are already there, but most often because they want more VARIETY. They may be tired of using the same old things over and over, they may also want to SHARE those options with others, so that other people can experience some variety as well.


I mean yes, I agree, I poke fun at the fact that so many people in the JK community play Canyon Oasis over and over without considering any other levels most of the time. However, you don't see me saying "well the reason they play Canyon Oasis all the time is because they're newbies who lack skill" or "they think they are cool, but they're really not and that's why they do it."


That is really egotistical and presumptious to assume that those who do not like what you like are stupid or immature because of it. I think we'll just have to agree to disagree, or you'll have to concede that your tastes don't dictate for everyone else.



[This Force Long Post has been brought to you by Wookie Bagels® ; )]

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P Smoke, free your mind. It's not that bad and Kurgan makes some good points.


Personally, I will use a green sabre, just because it is my favorite color. Will I ever use a black one when available? Most likely. I have no problem with the black sabre, just as long there is no advantage to using it, such as it being difficult to see at times. People pay good money for the game, and if using a particular skin or sabre enhances their playing experience, good for them. And since the skin and sabre color won't affect my experience in the form of a higher ping, lag or lower FPS, I don't care. But if it does...*shakes fist*:swear:;)



"flame free since `93"

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Originally posted by Kurgan



And who are YOU to dictate what I can like or dislike?


I dictate you not to have a saber with BLACK core and white glow when we duel! I would die in agony seeing that!




Now, imho, a white core plus black glow does look cool...



White cores only plz







This post was brought to you IMHO style

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Let me just say this...


If you're planning on using a black saber to stand out from the pack, I think you're in for a rude awakening.


Because I think you'll find that it may very well end up being just as white bread as you feel the blue will be. Ultima Online taught me a lesson, and that is that 99% of people will wear black if they can get their hands on it. When the "pure black" or "true black" dye tubs started circulating... it turned into a mess, everyone was in robes dyed with it. And black clothing is one thing, but this black removed all wrinkles and folds in the design, so they looked like a hole in the ground.


A whole ton of people seem to be obsessed with dark things and evil characters... they feel that it's cool. And as you pointed out (numerously :) ) that is their right. They can hold that opinion. I just think that if they ALSO feel that they're being original, they're wrong on that point. Big time.

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Originally posted by Pipe Smoke

A whole ton of people seem to be obsessed with dark things and evil characters... they feel that it's cool.


I'll agree with that, and they're loco. It is kind of sad. But not everyone wanting a black sabre is into evil. Black just happens to be a 'sharp' color.


But, my last poignant and earth shaking words on the subject(hopefully) will be this: I like the green sabre.





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There ya go tomcat.


I think everyone who craves a black saber should just use a red.


and HBK, I'm with ya man... I am a greenie too.


Green is so great for a lightsaber, blue rules too... they all rule actually... blue, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. (just like a roll of LifeSabers heheh)

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Black saber, nice idea but not very likely to be seen as an official choice.


Though it would be great for sneaking! And while the other colours shine their colours around, the black should be giving out a sort of shadowy "glow" making it even easier. :p

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i think that pipe smoke got his arse kicked by someone using a black saber and hes got a few bad feelings about it...awww....ain that cute...hehehehe....


oh, and by the way, you couldnt trucking touch me in guns....thx a bunch..bye bye...chill dude...its just a color of saber...if they want to express themselves w/ a goth saber thats fine and dandy..heh..

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