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Chose Your Sabre Colour


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Let me see.. in JK and MotS, all sabers, regardless of color gave off a white light. This is in keeping with ANH. Now the white glow is much more subdued (if not missing entirely) in subsequent movies... I'd have to watch TPM again, but I'm pretty sure they make the color "bleed" off of the saber.


I'm not sure how JK2 does it.. we'll have to wait and see. If it's a white glow, no problem, the black saber will have a white glow just like all the others (it's as if the white core was giving off the light, not the "colored" part). If it gives off color, then I guess yeah, it would give off a gray color.


Sabers don't give off that much light, so it's not like your player will be covered in a black hole shadow or something (that would be interesting). ; )


Good for stealth? hehe

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Just something I had to add:


I was walking to thr train station back to school witha guy from my class, and we were talking about JO... And for some reason I said you can pick custom saber colours in MP... First thing he said was:


"COOL! I want a black one!!!"



I was like LOL



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im pretty sure the glows are of the coloured part of the blade. looking at some screens of where kyle is with his sabre the glow around him is blue.


and im guessing all the sabers are is a 3d model with a .shader applied to it, so it wont be that hard to mod.

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I think it's safe to say that the reason there are no colored glows around the sabers in the movies, is that it would've been hard to do.


I'm sure if Lucas made Episode 3 all CGI, he would have the sabers cast colored glows like Raven has done.


Raven saw JK2 as an opportunity to make the lightsabers even more true to what they would actually be, than the movies have been able to. And I think they've done a great job.


And btw I still think black lightsabers make no sense, and even if they did make sense they're still incredibly lame.

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I was going to post my thoughts, but it seems Pipe Smoke posted them already... ;)


Oh yeah, and I plan on using a green saber, but it could change if it doesn't meld right with my character's skin...

Definetly green or blue, I'd say.


Oh, and red for my Dark Side character, which I doubt I'll use much.. :)



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Raven saw JK2 as an opportunity to make the lightsabers even more true to what they would actually be, than the movies have been able to. And I think they've done a great job.


Might as well say that black sabers would have been in the movies, they just didnt' have the technology to do it at the time, so as a result black sabers are more "true" to the spirit of the films! What kind of backward logic is this??


So in other words, if something contradicts the movies, it's because they didn't have the "technology" to do it, but they would have if they could have!


Lol... let's think about this... all they would have had to do to make a colored glow cast by the sabers in the movie is do the same thing they did in ANH.. cover the prop saber blades with reflective material and shine a COLORED light on the person's blade! They wouldn't even need CGI to do that... or they could use white light, and then just tint it in post production... a simple feet for ILM.


I'll watch the TPM dvd again (next time I can rent it) but the fact remains... if the sabers give off a colored glow onto the saber wielder in JK2 or TPM, then it's contradicting what's been seen in the previous three canon movies (SE or not).


And btw I still think black lightsabers make no sense, and even if they did make sense they're still incredibly lame.


It sounds like you're saying "It's not true, and if it is true, I won't believe it." ; )


So if we actually saw a black saber in a Star Wars movie, you'd still think it was lame?

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i think a black saber would be cool, but it would have to be a saber. i think in jk black sabers look more like sticks, and thats why alot of ppl here hate them.


if in jk2 you could make them look like sabers (maybe a white core or some kind of lighting effect, that or it absorbed the light around it, although that would be pretty impossible to do) that would be great and i'd want one too ;) well maybe...

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