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Should i Order or Buy from Mall??


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If you guys in Australia get Outcast released the same time here in the US, then by all means order it at your local EB and as I've recommended before....I would put a deposit down there so that you will get it when they do. If you preorder it then you leave it in the hands of Fed Ex or God forbid...UPS!!

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Originally posted by pr0s

YEAAAAAAAAHHHH australia gets JO on the 22nd:):)


just booked my copy:)


You've got to be kidding me! The 22nd? The game is coded here, pressed here and gets released in another country? No offence to Australia but that's crap! :mad:

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ditto that for me. I preordered from EBgames.com today, with 3.99 overnight shipping. That's even less than the tax around here. The great part is never having to rush to the mall. If all goes according to plan it will be awaiting me upon my arrival home from work the 28th!








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I think the 22nd release date is bogus. Three days from now? No.


Anyway, I always get mine at the malls nowadays. The mail is just too unpredictable these days, especially when dealing with UPS (not sure if Aussies have this sort of problem, but whatever). Last time I pre-ordered a game I got it two days or so after it was in stores. Last time I'm doing that.

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