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Playing in 3rd Person vs Playing in 1st Person


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I read with interest below how most people intend to play in 3rd person mode when using a light saber.


I think this is going to be easier said than done. The sense of range and depth to hit an opponent in 3rd person mode will be very difficult. We look at Trailer 2 and think the 3rd person gameplay looks relatively straightforward. I have my suspicions that this was filmed in 3rd person and probably played in 1st person.




Look at the part where he backwards thrusts the saber and kills the Reborn. The Reborn isn't even on the game screen when he commences his backwards thrust. (The saber doesn't even hit the Reborn, it goes to his side and still kills him....just an observation:)).


Depth and timing from a mainly top view is hard to judge in an intense action game like this. Time will tell how feasible 3rd person-saber playing is.


I suspect the best saber fighters will be the players who constantly change between 1st and 3rd person depending on what sort of fight it is (numbers on screen, terrain, shooters around etc.).



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Look at the part where he backwards thrusts the saber and kills the Reborn.
We've already been told in another thread that what we didn't see was the player lure the reborn into that spot.


Depth and timing from a mainly top view is hard to judge in an intense action game like this from. Time will tell how feasible 3rd person-saber playing is.
Having played Heretic II extensively, I couldn't disagree with you more. For dyed in the wool FPS players, it may take some adjusting to, but I think you'll find melee combat works best in thrid person perspective as it allows you the luxury of peripheral vision. Hell, I'm even going to try playing the whole game in 3pp.
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Originally posted by Hoth

Look at the part where he backwards thrusts the saber and kills the Reborn. The Reborn isn't even on the game screen when he commences his backwards thrust. (



And you're implying that in first person he would be seeing him??!?! no difference...


Also as said, the player knew he was there and lured him into a trap.

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Using 3rd person mode allows you to judge where your going and where you are currently at much easier than in 1st Person Mode.


If it looks straightforward.. it probably is. It if appears that way in a trailer, it can certainly appear again.


3rd person isnt a top view.. thats just the player looking down, and the camera adjusts.. If you were to go into first person mode at that point, Kyle would be looking at the floor more than likely. The camera is actually well positioned in 3rd person (just like it was in JK).

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Originally posted by Hoth

I read with interest below how most people intend to play in 3rd person mode when using a light saber.


I think this is going to be easier said than done. The sense of range and depth to hit an opponent in 3rd person mode will be very difficult. We look at Trailer 2 and think the 3rd person gameplay looks relatively straightforward. I have my suspicions that this was filmed in 3rd person and probably played in 1st person.




Look at the part where he backwards thrusts the saber and kills the Reborn. The Reborn isn't even on the game screen when he commences his backwards thrust. (The saber doesn't even hit the Reborn, it goes to his side and still kills him....just an observation:)).


Depth and timing from a mainly top view is hard to judge in an intense action game like this. Time will tell how feasible 3rd person-saber playing is.


I suspect the best saber fighters will be the players who constantly change between 1st and 3rd person depending on what sort of fight it is (numbers on screen, terrain, shooters around etc.).




Bantha Fodder never had a better candidate for poster child ...


"Time will tell how feasible 3rd person-saber playing is." ?!?!?! Have you actually played JK1? I have no problem seeing 3rd person being very effective. Are depth and timing hard to judge - sure. But compared to 1st person? There is a reason for doing sabers by 3rd person and guns by 1st person ... playing JK1 for some time should put you in the know about that.

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hahahahaha i cant believe that you idiots are actually debating on this issue!!!


first of all, you get a very limited view from first person. you have NO peripheral vision (as in real life)....i mean come on....you cant see any movement to your sides....that is soo retarded...if they somehow warped the screen, then maybe...heh...


also, you can see around corners in third person mode.....you can see behind you.....you have more control because you see things in your environment and have time to react more quickly...it is quite simple..


even in jk guns i used third person (if anyone knows what i am talking about, i will own j00 w/ my no dot eliteage) hehe...trust me...jk2 will be played by me exclusively in 3rd person.....

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If judging distance and such with a saber is hard in 3rd person, it's impossible in 1st person, if JK is any indicator. Saber combat, especially in this game, will use a lot of moving around, acrobatics and the like. It will be much more difficult to control this sort of thing effectively in first person, but to each his own I guess.

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In JK1 I also used 3rd person for saber unless I was at a long range from enemies. If I was in long range I found it alot easier to bounce back enemy fire by consentrating on centering their fire to my crosshair, with enough practice you could bounce it back at them alot. I hope they have a setting like they did in JK1 where it would auto camera to 3rd when using saber. I thought I read somewhere that once you get high enough in the force that controling the bounce back of enemy fire would improve the chance of hitting the enemy with their own fire instead of it being flung somewhere unknown.

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I hope they have a setting like they did in JK1 where it would auto camera to 3rd when using saber.
They do.
I thought I read somewhere that once you get high enough in the force that controling the bounce back of enemy fire would improve the chance of hitting the enemy with their own fire instead of it being flung somewhere unknown.
You did!
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