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How will blocking work in JK2?

I'm talking about blocking, and bouncing back gun fire. Originally, in JK, it was automatic.

Does the same go for JK2? Or will it be more like (The Terrible) 'Phantom Menace' game, where, by swinging your saber, you blocked?

I myself, much preferred JK's blocking.

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Originally posted by CeeJay

Or will it be more like (The Terrible) 'Phantom Menace' game, where, by swinging your saber, you blocked?


that game wasn't bad! imo it was even BETTER than jedi knight...altho it didn't have mp, at least the people talked to u instead of acting like assholes and saying 'leave me alone' and stuff....the blocking in it i didn't really care for, but i know someone who likes it....redwing get your butt in here!!

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Aw shuddup. :p


TPM blocking was better than JK blocking, simply because it was FAR MORE EFFECTIVE!


I have great faith in the JK2 system, however. We know for sure (from ChangKhan himself) that if a blaster bolt hits your saber, whether you are swinging or not, it WILL BOUNCE OFF! No more JKish "can't block while attacking"crap...


TPM was better than JK in some ways. Graphics, obviously. But the best of TPM was lost to most people when they couldn't get past Otoh Gunga. Namely, Mos Espa. A dream level. A non-linear city PACKED with civilians and swarming with Jawas, many of which you could interact with in great ways. The level where you try to trade for podracer parts in the markets of Mos Espa was truly cool. So many things could happen. So many choices. So many different ways to get two blasted racer parts. So much fun to kill everyone after quicksaving first. (;)) So much fun blasting Jar Jar to hell with a proton missile launcher...never mind, I'll shut up now :D


If TPM the game did one thing right, it was interaction with everyone. You felt that you were there. Also very funny, as well, if you knew the right lines to choose.


"You look a little tall to be a Podracer!"


"You must be drunk, my friend. I'm not that tall."




TPM had bad points, too. Like the impossible jumping puzzles. Bad AI for NPCs that followed you around *cough*theQueen*cough* No multiplayer. And other stuff that stemmed from the rushed state of the game. A real shame. But the game was not anywhere near as bad as "anti-hyped" to be.

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I'm glad to see others defending the TPM game! It really had it's good points, but I've been seeing it get bashed for a long time. It's as if most people don't actually have a problem with it, but they just want to jump on the bandwagon.


May it have an EpII equivalent sequel!


hee... heehee... heeheehee...

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