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Game Shipping Early?


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I remember going into Barns n noble one time and asking if a book was out yet. The guy said that it doesn't release for another 4 days...but that they did have it in stock in the store. He said that they were not allowed to sell it until the release date.


So i am sure it is the same for video games, but who knows. I am just trying to wait patiently, and keep myself occupied.


later on...

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There is some legal type stuff behind holding the game before the actual release date. I remember the same type of situation with Dark Age of Camelot and EB. The boxes were chilling in a warehouse a few days before the official live date and they wouldn't allow any stores to sell them. It being an online only game that might be different than JO, but I doubt it as there is multiplay as well through the Zone.



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Back in the day I wanted to get a game called Ultimate Race Pro by Microprose. I looked up the release date and it said later in the week. I called up EB and they already had it. I got it and installed it, but something was up. I called tech support and they asked how I had gotten it, heh.

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Reality check. The game went gold last week. Which means it has not been at the duplication plants very long - I would be very surprised if they were able to make hundred of thousands (maybe millions) within not even a week.


You will not see Outcast this week - but next.

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I worked at a Babbages during this past holiday season, and there wasnt any prevention rules for selling a game 'early'. I mean, if a game was to release say, the 29 march, and somehow they gota shipment the 20'th, they could and would sell it, after their pre-orders were taken care of. :yoda:

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The average CD production factory should be able to output at least 50,000 Disks per day. If this includes complete packaging I am not sure. I doubt that LucasArts uses a the whole capacity of such a plant, but I am sure that in a week enough copies can be produced to ensure a good launch.

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I was wondering if all pre-orders will get it at about the same time or if LEC has a certain number in mind for pre-orders. For example, I pre-ordered today. Is there a chance that there are so many pre-orders that I will have to wait for a second shipment? Or do all pre-orders get sent right away regardless of how many are received?

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Originally posted by Syko

To all who preordered from LEC:


Does it still say March 19th on the Order Status page, like a few people reported it did earlier this week? Anyone wanna provide an update on this?


I did preorder from them, but never ever saw the March 19th thing.

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In my early replys I said that can't be True that the Game can be Shipped befor the 29. Amzon.de and some other German Online shops still says 28. I sended mails to them and all says that they will get the Game the 25 and that they will ship ist the 28.


Yeah.... in the Theorie wie can get it befor the USA but due to the Holidays I/we (in German) will recieve it the 3rd April.



PS: finally I found the englisch version. JK2 will 100% be translatet in other languages.

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