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New Great Saber Idea


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I think they should have put the idea of having one button to push on the key-bored to block gun blasts and saber blocks and having a time limmit like in the Max Payne bullet time. And then A saber block after the time runs out doesn't apply. Or A heat meater on the lightsaber that would block say A 15 times in a row before getting to hot to block more lazers. Releasing the button on the key-bored will automaticly let the heat off. I think A mod or somthing simerler should take up on something like this. Sorry for my not awarness on mods but I think this might work. hehe.

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I was just saying that it would be nice if you couldn't block all the time. It's just to easy! But I guess it was ment to be like that. It would be cool if they made it a little more complex in multiplayer than in the single though. man! Just because I'm new to the forums doesn't me you can just shove MEEN answers up my Ass. Thanks for backin me some of you!:)

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I think a block button, that you can't hold for too long, is a great idea.


You guys all complain about how the JK saber system wasn't complex enough, and too easy to block...well....(!!) this is the perfect solution; it would add that in-demand complexity, AND...(though this may not necessarily be an "up" for some of you..;)) it would require SKILL...


Anyway...don't want to sound like I'm trying to suck up to the Raven guy, it's just my opinion.



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i think we should just wait and see what it is like. to me the lightsaber system sounds sucessful. i hope it is as successful as i hope....... which i am hoping to hope for to hope that the light saber system is........ what i hope it will be...... which is good.....i hope.

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I think an 'active' blocking mode would be good. Perhaps make the sabre throw NOT the alt mouse fire. That way mouse 1 will be attack and mouse 2 is block(with keyboard directional guidance). The auto-blocking would seem to be a possible limitation, if you really want to get down and dirty w/ the sabre.


But, perhaps trying to block for yourself would be a bit to much to handle. And by keeping the blocking 'automatic', it will keep players on a more even level, makes it more of a challenge, and keeps everyone alive longer(happy). I'm sure Raven thought of this....


I'm confident I will be pleased with the sabre.

and welcome to the boards, Lilred.




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a stamina bar would be the best way to go IMO... sort of like the heat indicator on RtcW.. you can block so much then your arms get too tired (or whatever) and you have to wait until they replenish themselves... ie the bar goes down some... not a terribe idea, but i think a true jedi is probably not held back by such moral things as stamina... especially not with blocking blasters, maybe so with sabres though...

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I definitely like HBK's idea of having a manual block button, but maybe that's just because I've played too much Soul Calibur in my lifetime. But then again it might not be as appropriate seeing as a heavy attack may kill someone instantly according to ChangKahn, so matches on average may not be as long as those in SC. A manual blocking button generally gives you a greater feel of control in the battles though. In any case a manual block key should be rather easy to mod into the game.

The Thief series had a pretty good combat system thanks to the great collision detection system in the Dark Engine, but then again the sword battles were considerably slower paced than what I've seen in JO.

In any case I have confidence that Raven have made it damn fun, especially considering all the variables of 3 stances plus the force powers, which may make it one of the deepest first person sabre battle system.

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Originally posted by milestone

I definitely like HBK's idea of having a manual block button, but maybe that's just because I've played too much Soul Calibur in my lifetime.


Woohoo, someone liked my idea. But I really didn't explain it very well. We know that there will be sabre attacks based on the mouse button AND the 6 basic keys. I meant to say that the alt mouse button should be a block button, but ALSO work in conjunction with some of the 'basic keys'. So instead of just pressing the 1 block button, you had to at least signify you want to block left, right, etc...


I don't care for the stamina or timed blocking ideas. A Jedi doesn't really get tired and run out of energy. Let the player determine how long he'll last by his skill. Which is why I think they left in the autoblocking, to keep things even because I'm sure some folks(but not me ;) ) will have a hard time with the sabre as it is.


But I do think it should be optional, like a server option.


and welcome to the boards milestone.



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hehe, tanx.


The problem with directional blocking IMO, is that well, the game is too fast paced. Considering the speed at which I've seen the later clips show the light saber, it'll be pretty damn difficult to be able to see which direction the attack is coming from. It'll be based way upon luck more than anything. It'll be deep, but pretty damn hard IMO. It'd definitely put off newbies for sure.

Ah, I'm sure they got it all sorted out...hehe, I just hope that incorrect date for the Aussie date was correct and I'll be playing it this weekend...and screw up all my exams.

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Ah, limited blocking, it's an idea that was tried in Jedi Power Battles.. I didn't really like it there, felt it unnecessarily complicated things (but then again the game had many other problems with it).


You can make the mod for it... see if others like it though. ; )

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HBK, you wouldn't happen to be on a total beast of a computer with a cable connection? Some people arn't blest with these things, and in such a fast-paced game people with low fps and with a lot of lag arn't going to be able to use directional blocking AT ALL, bringing the whole game back to JK styles for 56kers (blocking almost never happened in JK MP) who are going to be owned by cablers who can deflect their wild mashing of the saber with ease.


Just think about it; something that seems cool in theory just might not be practical in all circumstances.

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