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Real concerned about speed of game...


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Guest Tre Lightshadow

This game looks flawless, this is the reason that I am alive, now I just hope I get a computer on my birthday (march 30)taht is capable of handling the game. That is going to be the longest 24 hours of my life.

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Well, I have to disagree. I just started to play through Jedi Knight and you move insanely fast. You could run through the whole level in a minute! (If you hold the run key)





Hey lightshadow: I recently built a system for my cousin that totaled 670, we got the parts from pricewatch.com and a local store. You just need someone that knows how to put it together.


(It's specs, in case you're curious):


250 watt ATX case

16x DVD rom drive

20x burner

Athlon XP 1600

ECS K7S5A mb

40gb 7200 rpm HD

Soundblaster Live!

Geforce 2 MX400

256mb DDR2100 RAM

Some optical mouse/new keyboard too. No monitor tho

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ryu: Just visit http://www.pricewatch.com and if you find something you want, click on it. then that links info will be displayed in the top frame, click "website" and it will take you to the companies website. There, you can see if they ship overseas. I imagine it would be costy if they do, but it may still be lest than the cost of a part in your local store. The local store I was refering too is http://www.compusaveinc.net and they also now do shipping, but I don't know where too. Hope this helps!

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Originally posted by Zek

And the Half-Life engine beats both of them combined. Let's never speak of it again.


:lol: Heh, thats funny. The engine was good for its time. Counter-Strike and TFC were 2 fountains of youth that still give it life today. Just because the game is still played a lot doesn't mean the engine is GOD.. Technically, Quake 3 smacks down Half-Life anyday. Its like an X-wing fighting a Star Destroyer. The X-Wing will kill some parts, but the bigger ship wins in this case.

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Of course it does not! Half-Life has absolutely nothing to do with Quake 2! It's engine is based on Quake 1


Okay, that's a myth and I wish people would stop repeating it. The Half Life engine is based on Quake1 yes, but also Quake2. In the end, very little code remains of either engine, but to say that it has "nothing to do with Quake2" is incorrect.


Cracken's statement is much more accurate. Some people don't seem to realize that just because a game uses an engine, the gameplay doesn't have to look identical. When they say they used somebody's engine, they can have all kinds of reasons for doing that, but it's just a BASE for the code, that doesn't mean they have to end up using any of it, they could change 100% of it in the end result. It just might be easier in some cases to have something to start with to change around to tailor to your needs, rather than starting from scratch.. which is why companies do it for games in the first place. Notice a game like Alice.. uses the Q3 engine, nothing like Q3, it's not even an FPS! Or Rune with the Unreal engine.. etc.

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NoodlyGod- thanks, i've been there before though and most ppl don't ship to their neibouring country :mad: . and prices here are pretty good, its just that the canadian dollars sucks


that's just because our dollars our worth more




thats what i mean, the only resonably cheap thing over here is food.


dang canadian economy

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Originally posted by Desslock


:lol: Heh, thats funny. The engine was good for its time. Counter-Strike and TFC were 2 fountains of youth that still give it life today. Just because the game is still played a lot doesn't mean the engine is GOD.. Technically, Quake 3 smacks down Half-Life anyday. Its like an X-wing fighting a Star Destroyer. The X-Wing will kill some parts, but the bigger ship wins in this case.


No ****. When did I say otherwise?

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