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Dismemberment in multiplayer?


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1st off i just wanna say hello to everybody and im sorry for not discovering this game untill 3 days ago. But i assure u have just about **** my pants when i watched the trailors and im very impressed so far.


Ok i know they said that there will be some body parts that will be able to be cut off while staying with the star wars theme. But what i wanna know is will it be possible in Multiplayer? Wouldnt it be cool to burn off your enemies good arm/arms? Leave them stuck using force powers =P It should definently be very difficult to do but i think it would be cool =P





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It would be amusing but i think the novilty would ware off quickly. I personally don't think this feature will be active in multiplayer. btw - you should play rune. you can chop opponents arms/head off and beat people to death with them.

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Yeah i played Rune for PS2 and was not impressed at all. The combat is boring and to simple. Got boring after the 1st 2 hours. All i did was 1 v 1 with my cousin and tore his ass up for the few hours i played it. I dont wanna see like blood and guts but being able to slice off an enemies hand fits with the Star wars theme. Dont see why it shoudnt be in multiplayer also. *shrug* but then again it could just be annoying so i dunno. Either way is fine with me i guess.



By the way..... WTF ARE THESE?!?!?!? :evanpiel::c3po:

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Just a reminder.. in the SW canon films we've seen a head, a full arm (at the shoulder), hands, a forearm, and a torso cut in half (around the stomach region) with lightsabers.




TPM: Maul's death by Obi-Wan at the end.

ESB: Wampa in cave with Luke.

ESB: Luke and Vader in the cave on Dagobah.

ESB: Luke and Vader at the Cloud City gantry on Bespin.

ROTJ: Vader and Luke in the Throne room.

ANH: Obi-Wan and Panda Boba in the Cantina on Tatooine.


Other dismemberments occur (most notably in TPM, where several creatures get their heads bitten or ripped off, including int he "sea monster" scenes with the Bongo, and Jabba at the Pod Race).


Referencing Rune/RuneHOV for the PC, it would be quite possible to accomplish in online multiplayer. We just don't know if they will...

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It would suck if you could dismember people in multiplayer. Every time you got hit, a hand or something would come off and you'd be crippled until you die; where's the fun in that? If it does happen, it might only happen on the killing blow, which really wouldn't make any difference.

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Dismemberment would be awesome in MP. Even if it was on the killing blow only. Especially if the pieces you cut off of your enemies stayed around for a little while after they respawned. I expect it to be in MP if it's in SP. But if it's not, It'll only be a minor disappointment when I compare it to how awesome this game looks with or without it.

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Perhaps dismemberment well be in MP.

It was in Heretic][ MP, and Raven has taken some of the more interesting aspects of H][ and put them in J][ in one form or another.


I found that the dismemberment in H][ made the MP that much more interesting. Really sucked getting both your arms chopped off and running around like an idiot :D

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did anyone here play severance: blade of darkness? cos that had dismemberment on killing hits/after death only and it worked really well and was, to be honest, great fun!

lopping off an arm with the last hit in this would be cool, but it would suck to run around armless for half a game if it was on any hit

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I can picture it as most likely a final blow to the player, and more likely easier to do with bots. Im sure that there will be certain moves as to which body part is cut off. Unlinke JK in which you could slash up at a head and an arm flings off :rolleyes:

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I just found out that its in the MP!! And its not the killing blow... Read the post tittled "Gold sabre hold?" Theres a link to a MP pic where somebody threw a lightsabor and slived off some guys arm and theres smoke coming off his stub!! and hes not on the ground dead *hooray* Maybe its real hard to do and maybe u can still use some 1 handed weapons or just force powers *shrug* u can still do some serious dmg with the force id imagine.



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Look at the pic on the post i mentioned above.... The guy looks very much alive..... And how would that suck? would only suck if it were to easy to do. I think the ocasional arm being sliced off is awesome. Better then just getting stabbed and falling to the floor. Wont it rock if somebody chops yer arm off and u still kick there ass with the force or a 1 handed weapon? id laugh my ass off if i owned a guy and i was armless.....



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it just wouldnt make sense

i mean jedi maybe, but they arent cyborgs, if someone gets there arm chopped off they arent going to just say, oh well, i can still use t'other and pick up their saber with left are they, theyre probably going to be more concerned wiht screaming horribly and dying of blood loss

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Yeah.. maybe there will be a way for you to get a nice robot arm, so you can keep fighting... think about that for class based games.


The engineer goes around and repairs people's severed limbs.

; )


In Rune it was kind of goofy, that you could just pick up some food and then suddenly your arm just grew back by magic!

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I'm not sure if I remember this correctly.. but I remember from SOMEWHERE that lightsabers cauterize wounds that they inflict.. so they wouldn't have to worry about blood loss. Perhaps pain.. but not blood loss. That may be some info from the EU, though I'm not sure..


P.S. For those unaware of what it means to cauterize something, it basically means to to burn, sear, or destroy tissue.. if you don't understand that.. can someone else explain it?


~ Yoshio

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Yeah it burns the wound closing off the blood flow out of the limb.

Also kills infection =P they used to burn battle wounds back in the day to stop the blood and infection. Which is also why u never see blood in star wars.... Darth Maul gets sliced in half and no guts or blood spill out for this very reason.



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Originally posted by Kuluwen

When luke gets his hand sliced off does he start screaming and crying like a baby? Hell no.....




well actually, yes!


and as for the cauterising thing, maybe for a small wound, but if you chopped off a whole limb theres no way the vessels would seal up enough to stop the entire blood pressure. Besides there is some blood in starwars, think obiwan in mos eisley


i mean cmon!! think about it, no one can carry on fighting with an bloody arm missing can they?!? be serious, it would be laughable to have jedi amputees slugging it out:



Aaah!, hiyaah!, etc.

[KYLE chops the REBORN's left arm off]

KYLE: Now stand aside, worthy adversary.

REBORN: 'Tis but a scratch.

KYLE: A scratch? Your arm's off!

REBORN: No, it isn't.

KYLE: Well, what's that, then?

REBORN: I've had worse.

KYLE: You liar!

REBORN: Come on, you pansy!







[KYLE chops the REBORN's right arm off]

KYLE: Victory is mine!


By the Force --



Come on, then.

KYLE: What?

REBORN: Have at you!


KYLE: Eh. You are indeed brave, Dark Jedi, but the fight is mine.

REBORN: Oh, had enough, eh?

KYLE: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left.

REBORN: Yes, I have.

KYLE: Look!

REBORN: Just a flesh wound.


KYLE: Look, stop that.

REBORN: Chicken!



KYLE: Look, I'll have your leg.




[KYLE chops the REBORN's right leg off]

REBORN: Right. I'll do you for that!

KYLE: You'll what?

REBORN: Come here!

KYLE: What are you going to do, bleed on me?

REBORN: I'm invincible!

KYLE: You're a looney.

REBORN: The Dark Side always triumphs! Have at you! Come on, then.


[KYLE chops the REBORN's last leg off]

REBORN: Oh? All right, we'll call it a draw.

KYLE: Come, Artoo.

REBORN: Oh. Oh, I see. Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!

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