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Throwing your sabre away... forever

Darth Mar

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I'm sure this is was an issue and I'm wondering how it is dealt with in the game. If you throw your sabre and it doesn't come back (for whatever reason, knocked down, stuck behind something, etc), and you don't pick it up, what happens?


Will it automatically come back after a certain amount of time? Do you have to go back to Luke and look like a retard for losing your lightsabre? Or do you play through the rest of the game without it?


It could be an interesting tactic in multiplayer. If someone throws their lightsabre at you, you deflect it into a pit, leaving them defenseless.

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Where did you guys hear the saber can get caught on things or stopped? In MotS, the saber comes right back to you always after a saber throw, and I don't see why it wouldn't be automated since it uses the force just to throw it anyway.

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Originally posted by Bowen

The Sabre's in JKO have been fitted with the 'Clapper' device. All Kyle has to do is clap his hands and it emits a beep so he can find it. :D


That would be a very intriguing mod. Clap on clap off sabers...

and anyone could do it to any saber....





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Originally posted by CaptainPOE

Psssst...use the force Darth Mar ;)


Just pull it back to you with force pull if it is able to get stuck on something. But I seriously doubt that they will make it able for it to be lost into a pit or something like that.

Heh, true, but that doesn't work if it falls into a bottomless pit, and that happened to me many a time in MotS, even when it should have magically come back. Really screwed things up a few times. I like those multiplayer levels that just happen to have extra lightsabers lying around in case stuff like that should happen. That's saved me a number of times, too

: p

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Yeah usually it comes back to you, but in some cases another Force user can push it on the floor when it's flying at them.. or pull it away from you when the saber is flying back towards you, so you'd have to pull it back towards you or run after it.. and sometimes a player will probably be so dirty to push/pull it over a very deep pit or something. But like it's been said, we haven't played the game yet so a definate answer can't be given yet.

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