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I have JK2!! (Lame Joke)

Wicket the Ewok

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OK, played it for 10 minutes.


It's pretty good, I would say more but I don't really want to ruin it for other people. Shame it runs like a dog on my system (P3-800, 256MB RAM, Voodoo3 5500). :( :( :(


How do attach images to my posts? Is the only way to upload it to some webspace and link to it?

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Did they have the CE where you got it from Wicket? I've being eyeing it, but from what I've read, the Aussie one doesn't seem to have any mention of including DF and JK. Did you manage to see if they did? In any case I'll still probably get it tomorrow if it does reach the EBs.


Oh yeh, and thanx for trying not to ruin it. I know a lot of people who would have splurted out the beginning most likely ruining the intro and beginning areas (usually some of the best in many games).

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If it doesn't run well, run your resolution down, or turn off some of them fancy dealies. The thing thats letting you down is probably your videocard, seeing as how 3dfx went bankrupt and can't make any more drivers.


If its out over there, how long would it take to get to Perth?


(oh yeah, and good luck getting a responce from him, he'll probably be playing it to death right about now)

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I don't think that many people on here believe your claim Wicked about having JediKnight 2. Why don't you post some screenies of the main menu and the internet browser section of the game. To make a long story short. We are not going to believe you unless we see proof.

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Originally posted by nykel007


One more thing he said that concerns me, how could it 'run like a dog' with the specs he has ' P3 800 ......' somethigs not right here.


Quite easily seeing as how he's got a Voodoo 3 with drivers that probably haven't been updated for well over a year. To be honest I'm surprised he can run it all on that card - of course, that's if he actually has got it!

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Originally posted by Shark747


It may be the vid card that slows him down....but then again; I've never seen a Voodoo3 5500.



Yeah, I was just going to say that too. There is no such thing as a Voodoo 3 5500. There is a Voodoo 3 3500 (the model with TV-OUT I think). Either that, or he has a Voodoo 5 5500, in which case he shouldn't have all that much trouble running the game on his system. Of course, he could just be totally full of bull :D. I hope not - but until we see some scans/screenshots we just don't know...

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