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gold sabre hold?


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you can see the weequay with his hand out and his 'red sith' light saber 'glowing' to show 'activation' of the saber-force-pull mode. Kyle IS using the weapon that has a secondary fire of concussion. so the blast probably rattled the weequay's saber. (anyone qet it-saber rattle?):nut::syoda:

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Originally posted by Kaegann

you can see the weequay with his hand out and his 'red sith' light saber 'glowing' to show 'activation' of the saber-force-pull mode. Kyle IS using the weapon that has a secondary fire of concussion. so the blast probably rattled the weequay's saber. (anyone qet it-saber rattle?):nut::syoda:


If you look closely, the Weequay has a Bowcaster in his hand...


edit - nevermind :) what's up with the 3 dead bodies?

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could be force seeing


in the trailer when charcter is looking up at that rocket going after the force jumper, everything glows gold... i think it might be force seeing, but i dont have time to look at trailer to see at the moment you guys just mentioned

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If you notice in the second trailer when Kyle uses the force and slides by those three guys. Look very carefully above their heads. After he uses the force on them there is little yellow/gold glowing things floating around their heads. So....perhaps this yellow/gold glowing thing is a way to tell you're using the force on something/someone. Just a thought....

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One other thought....the gold bar that has been discovered on the HUD while the light saber is in use. Perhaps, just maybe perhaps this is something to do with the force indeed. Due to some screen shots showing the bar is blue and others it's a gold/yellow color. Take that for what it's worth, just another thought.

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The saber handle is indeed gold when being force coming back to your hand after a saber throw... I looked in the PCGamer trailer again and saw this:





*arrow added for the newbies* ;)




Also, D39, i think the things around the three guys' heads, look a bit like stars... You know, they're confused and seeing stars kind of thing... I think thats just to show they're "Force Confused" or mindtricked or whatever ya wanna call it

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Well even without the pic evidence its obviously not a rocket....

As u can see in the trailor where the rocket shashes down on that one dude that there is no Red in the rocket and this pic was obviously a red sabor being thrown.



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there seems to be some kind of coloured mist on everything that has force aplied to it. in the pick with the storm trooper flying throw the glass cause of push, the troopers covered in blue stuff. there a bunch of other stuff too, you get the point.

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Originally posted by Valdarious

Ok I guess for anyone that thought that trail looks like a saber trail, which I am not contesting, but look at this screenshot.


That trail looks amazingly alike.

is it just me or does that stormy in the background look like he has his helmet on backwards??!!!
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