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The bad ally/allies.


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Just a couple days ago I was playing a 2v2 with some person. As we reached t3 I sent some workers over to mine some nova that was clearly in my base and my ally starts barking at me!


ally: THATS MY NOVA!!!!

me: umm..no its not..look...its it my base(flash marked it)


me: leave me alone...its my nova


Than my ally starts to wall up all my nova and ore deposits. At this point in the game I resigned and let him fight the opponents himself.


If you have any related stories please feel free to post them.



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played a 2v2 game once and my teammate was useless.


I had pretty much taken out the player beside me when his teamate came around and smacked me. I was getting pounded on by him pretty bad. I kept sending up flares and chatting for help but I NEVER saw my teammate. I look into his base just before resigning and he had about 50 assorted mechs which were just sitting there. I wanted to reach through the Internet and smack this stupid punk in the head.


What the hell is a teamate for if they do NOTHING the entire game. @$$!!


bitterly yours,

DarthNoodles out...

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