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So... Does anyone know what was our "gift" yet?


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If you may recall, last Christmass Aristotle posted a thread asking something like "What would you like the gift to the forums to be?". Alot of people speculated that it will be something IN the game that players needed to find for themselves.

Sure enough, we never got a confrimation, which lead me to believe it would be something in the game.


Seeing as many people already have the game (I feel so left out :(), I assume the Christmass gift was already found.


So... Just out of curiousity; What was it?

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Originally posted by Silent_Thunder

If you may recall, last Christmass Aristotle posted a thread asking something like "What would you like the gift to the forums to be?". Alot of people speculated that it will be something IN the game that players needed to find for themselves.

Sure enough, we never got a confrimation, which lead me to believe it would be something in the game.


Seeing as many people already have the game (I feel so left out :(), I assume the Christmass gift was already found.


So... Just out of curiousity; What was it?

Those were not speculations, they were ideas for the gift. The gift is probably one of those ideas.


Welcome JediMaster2B. We are not talking about that at all, this gift will be better:) .

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No JediMaster2B , I'm not talking about that...


What I am reffering to is a thread posted by Aristotle around mid December. It said that there was going to be a gift specifically designed for the forum goers at JKII.net, he also asked what people would want.


Some people came up with ideas that were a bit unlikely... Such as including a few select forum members' names in the credits... I doubted that that would happen... Other suggestions were alittle bit more reasonable, such as including the mysterious "Galactic Plumberman" somewhere in the game as an easter egg. Still others had ideas that didn't even pertain directly to the forums themselves, but things such as a demo for a present, or a new movie...


You may be able to find the thread deep down in the depths of the Valley of the Jedi, it's several pages long, so it should be easy to find.


EDIT: Digl; Some were ideas, others were speculations. Obviously not all of the ideas could be chosen, there for after some time people speculated which of the idea(s) were chosen.

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