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Will you play MP?


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Will you play Multiplayer?

If so, where? (i.e. Zone, some other server)

Do you belong to a gaming clan/group/team?

If so, what is its name?

What is your clan/group/team member name?

What is the clan/group/team website?

What other games does your clan/group/team play?


I am making this thread because I am interested where I can find people to play. I would like to play person to person and maybe even, clan to clan (or group or team, whatever you call it). Hopefully this not only Benefits me but other gamers as well.


as for my information:


Will you play Multiplayer? Yes, I intend to play

If so, where? (i.e. Zone, some other server) Probably Zone unless someone recommends otherwise. [Hint]Someone recommend someplace other than zone for me to go to[/Hint]

Do you belong to a gaming clan/group/team? Yes, I belong to a gaming clan

If so, what is its name? Paladins of Virtue

What is your clan/group/team member name? POV_MasterYoda

What is the clan/group/team website? http://www.jk2.cjb.net

What other games does your clan/group/team play? Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight

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Will you play Multiplayer? Absolutely.

If so, where? (i.e. Zone, some other server) Random servers probably.

Do you belong to a gaming clan/group/team? Yes

If so, what is its name? World Assasins (I know, newbie name)

What is your clan/group/team member name?=WA= ViperX

What is the clan/group/team website?http://tribes.tribalwar.com/worldassassins (our site sucks, here's a good one http://www.team5150.com)

What other games does your clan/group/team play?

Currently we only play Tribes 1

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Will you play Multiplayer? yes

If so, where? Ingame browser

Do you belong to a gaming clan/group/team? No

If so, what is its name?

What is your clan/group/team member name?

What is the clan/group/team website?

What other games does your clan/group/team play?

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Will you play Multiplayer? Yes, after a lot of SP

If so, where? Where ever I can

Do you belong to a gaming clan/group/team? No, but interested

If so, what is its name?

What is your clan/group/team member name?

What is the clan/group/team website?

What other games does your clan/group/team play?

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JK is the game that got me into multiplayer gaming in the first place, so yes, of course I'm doing multiplayer. I'll probobly use a combination of all game hosting methods, but I won't play for at least week after I have the game, so I can get the controls down.

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1. Will you play Multiplayer?





2. If so, where? (i.e. Zone, some other server)


eastern usa time zone



3. Do you belong to a gaming clan/group/team?


yes, paladin from rune, but also, foe, fsu, we are creating

a multigame clan as we speak....



4. If so, what is its name?


see above



5. What is your clan/group/team member name?


see answer to question 3.



6. What is the clan/group/team website?


http://www.fookshetup.com - FSU

http://www.fookshetup.com/paladin - Paladin

http://www.the-edge.n3.net - FOE



What other games does your clan/group/team play?








looking forward to this game....

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