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Private Duelling--What do you think?


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I haven't really said much to anyone about one feature of mutliplayer that seems to be confusing people currently playing on servers now. That is the functionality of the "Engage Duel" key, which is used to challenge an opponent to a private duel. The blurb I sent for the manual (although I don't have a copy yet) was this:



Saber Challenge: This option, available in Free for All and Holocron only, allows a Lightsaber-wielding Jedi to challenge any other to a duel to the death. The challenger must ready their saber, stand near and target their opponent, and press the “Engage Duel” key. At that time the opponent will see a message telling them about the challenge. If he/she presses the “Engage Duel” key within five seconds, then the Duel is begun. Both players’ weapons are locked to their lightsabers and they can affect only each other. The characters are surrounded by a blue glow, they can use no force powers except Saber Throw and Jump, and they cannot be affected by other players. No health can be picked up, and the duel ends when one participant is slain, one flees, or if time runs out. At the end of the duel the winner is given full health, a few seconds of invulnerability, and bragging rights on the server.



No big multi-frag award, just the pure style of mano-a-mano. We did so to avoid exploitation, but nonetheless it is easily disabled by a server master who doesn't like it.


Like I said, we didn't mention it in any previews, it was kind of a bonus we put in a while ago. Now that the game is in some people's hands (unfortunately not mine), lemme hear what you think!




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One question Pat.


Can players not in the duel INTERFERE in it? If they move between the players can they block/annoy them or are the 2 guys in the duel totally oblivious to others around them?



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It sounds like an excellent feature to me. It was extremely annoying to be blown away by a concussion blast in JK while engaging in a tense duel. The lack of force powers is equally interesting. I think this is a good step towards better saber duels for everyone. Should be fun to see in practice.

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One question Pat.

Can players not in the duel INTERFERE in it? If they move between the players can they block/annoy them or are the 2 guys in the duel totally oblivious to others around them?


Regardless, a player will see all other enemies darked somewhat, and a bright halo around his opponent so he can focus. Both combatants can't harm others nor can be harmed by others, but yes, a grief player certainly could get in the way of combatants. For that reason I believe that duel might be enabled in more friendly servers or LAN parties, and disabled on many public newbie servers. We shall see, however, if people will tend to play nice...

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Personally I absolutely love this feature. While people can argue and converse on the balance between the Light side force powers, and the Dark, this option turns it into a REAL duel. No outside influences (force powers, players, power ups.) Only your saber as a weapon, and your opponent as your one enemy.


It is well implemented and I've had a lot of fun duelling people. The ONLY problem that I see is that random people in the game come up to you and start trying to saber you to death, use various force powers (lightning, drain, push, pull) etc. which might not seem like much, but when their in your face it really disturbs your concentration, which I feel is an important part of winning any duel.


Overall its a well implemented, and fun feature. Good work.




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Originally posted by digl

I think It's a really great feature, but I'd like to know if it's possible to have force duels, I mean just the same but using any force power that you current character has.


Yeah the Duel option sounds awesome and I too would like to know if you could have Force duels. The same thing but with Force and as another person has commented on the fact that it would be cool to have a 3 way duel. I'm thinking that you can't do that as of yet but perhaps it will arrive in a patch or update of some sort or even WHEN they release an expansion pack and I really think they will!

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I think that it's a great idea! I think that with the limits on force powers and lightsabers locked as the weapon make it as close to a true Star Wars duel as possible. The only other way to make it like a duel in the movies would be to have force throw and force push, ala Vader and Maul, but I certainly understand why you did it. It's a great feature, I can see entire ladders based around this idea:)


You haven't gotten a copy yet! That's insane. I say you go and demand one right now!;)


Thanks for all of your hard work, BTW. We really appreciate it. Hope to hear from you soon about an add on or sequel:D

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The one-on-one duelling is very well implemented and a very nice addition to FFA and Holocron games.


There are a few unsrupulous people out there (surprise surprise) who take advantage of the duel feature to score extra kills; while you stand still, target them and press K to accept the duel, they'll crouch-roll up to you and have a free whack. But on the servers I've played, that's a semi-rare occurence.


This really sorts the men from the boys, and it's a very satisfying way to get revenge on someone who stands off at a distance and spams you with the FC-1.


Two thumbs up from me, and another two to Raven for producing an immensely enjoyable game. It's well worth the money and one that'll be staying on my harddrive for a long time.


(You can tell who the illegal warez players are... they ask questions ALL the time!)

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nobody ever accepts.

I don't think most people know the feature exists or how to use it. Hence my starting of this thread.


There are a few unsrupulous people out there (surprise surprise) who take advantage of the duel feature to score extra kills; while you stand still, target them and press K to accept the duel, they'll crouch-roll up to you and have a free whack. But on the servers I've played, that's a semi-rare occurence.

I've been thinking a bit about this issue, and I'd like to get a fix in (the challenge is cancelled if you attack the opponent). However, the nice thing about it in general is that if people know that someone doesn't duel fair, they don't have to accept the challenge. It's been fairly self-policing so far in my experience.

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here's an interesting question... are bots affected by it.




1 - If I challenge a bot in a duel, will it respond and duel me, or will it be oblivious and probably just kill me.


2 - Do the bots realize that you are in a duel with another player, or will the bots attack the duelers with no remorse thinking they are doing damage?


any responce from designers, ownz0rs of the game, or even you WaReXx0rs out there.

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Private duelling, what do I think?


I think it's a superb idea. Isolates 2 combatants away from the rest for a real match.


Perfect, especially with absence of majority of Force powers. Much like the films. You don't often see, at least I think not, jedi using heal/drain etc, in the films. ;) Just pure Saber fights.


More comments in time, when I've tried this one out though.

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Best idea ever! This is a great thing if you've got beef with someone and want to settle it on fair ground. It can get annoying when you're fighting someone and they pull out a rail detonator(in JK I don't have JO yet) and stick a few on you and run or force destruction you. Great idea. I can't wait to get the game and try it. But due to my sloooooooooooow internet connection, I'm not sure how much MP playing I'll be doing. Will this feature be available with bots?

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Duelling is brilliant! Gotten many challenges and had many people accept, i generally challenge anyone i meet as long as they arent called Padawan ;) . Should also be said that i only ever use sabre and force even though guns are enabled so duels are second nature . Also like the funky broadcast "Darksider[black Ajah] has defeated Borf!"


perhaps allow 2 or 3 duels to go on at once? not being able to challenge and waiting for 2 people to finish who never even seem too connect with sabres b ut dont go far enough afield to void the duel argh!

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