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Base layout strategy?


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How does everyone lay out their base? I do it by scouting out the area and selecting a huge track of land to build all my prefabs on, then I put all my factories together in one area, my reseach in another and airbase in a third. I try to spread them out enough to allow for back up power generators and shield generators, then room for at least two fortresses, north and south or east and west depending on where I am on the map.


How does everyone else do it?



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Beginning: pre-fab shelters toward enemy (to increase line of site) carbon, fpc, ore, nova, behind cc (if possible)


Middle: Military buildings towards enemy


End: EXPAND, EXPAND, EXPAND. CC's everywhere there is a resource to be had, pre-fabs spaced out to use as lookouts, military buildings in groups to pump out armies quickly.


It's all about taking over the map. If by tech 4 the mini map doesn't look like it's all your color, you haven't boomed correctly.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I organized my base like the first post is except I pretend that it is a city and make roads to each house and each buildings. I have a cool looking city. HEHEHE. It works like the last post. Expand.

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As my first builder is building a prefab or two, I scout the immediate area. Then, I place a Food Center wherever the nearest food source is, if any. Next I place an Animal Shelter fairly close to the Food center. I try to keep both, a bit away from my town center. I will soon build a Power Core, to power both buildings I have already built, and I try to position it so that the edge of the power core's ring is about 1 "farm width" away from the town center. This way, I can surround my town center (which doesn't need power) with my first 8 farms, making food gathering as fast as possible. Then I build the rest of my resource-gathering buildings near resources, earmarking those areas as "future power core" areas, if necessary. Finally, I build troop centers, etc, within the first power ring, until it fills up, and then near the other resource areas, where power rings are then built as well. I surround the whole entire thing with walls and towers, and slightly within the walls, AA turrets.

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Walls? anybody above rook who plays online knows walls are a waste of time... especially with AIR UNITS!


Walled base? fly over and drop units into the fray. dead base. any questions?


Instead: EXPAND! Take over the map. Have workers going everywhere (by the time you hit the Tech 4 button you should have 80+ workers-and only about 1/3 of them in your first base)

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I always wall in my basee and surround it with towers then offset those with AA towers. The computer always rushes me with a flight or two of aircraft and I blast the crap out of them with the towers and rocket troops as back up. This has worked a few times online as well. Especially versus transports, as they are slow and cannot get out before they are waxed!

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if you make it to tech 3 before the computer does, (be sure to know where his base is before-hand) send 5 workers between his base and your base, and depending on how much ore u have, build either 2 aa turrets or 1 fortress. then put a powercore and and have a troop center or mech factory nearby and a powercore and eventually a shield generator.

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