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Uhhh.. Okay guys, so is it great or not?


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The game is the best Star Wars game I have ever played. Comming from me, that's something because I practically worship totally games for the job they did on TIE Fighter. Make no mistake, the game is EXCELLENT. And I don't even have my saber or force powers yet:)

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lets see here. Light saber fights are click feasts. The single player is good. The puzzles are very very very hard. The sky does not move. and the story is ok.


Jedi knight 1 is better. Someoen should redo jk with jk2's engine

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The sky does not move.


:lol: Jeez, just get over it already.....



I think this game'll be great...

Everyone's so damn hyped about this game when they play it, they see the bad parts over the good. I'll be very surprised if this game does not get GOTY with all the features and the good vibes coming from the big sites (Gamespot, Gamespy, and IGN)


PS. Gettin' my game tomorrow!:D

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WHO CARES IF THE FREAKIN SKY DOESN'T MOVE!!! GET OVER IT!!! Do any of you remember the lightsaber battles in JK1?? They were "click fests" with only two moves. JK2 has a wide variety of moves. Let's face it, unless you actually pick up a virtual lightsaber or a real one, it's not gonna feel like an actual lightsaber duel. Furthermore, lightsaber duels in the movies are CHOREOGRAPHED. They also use a great number of cuts. If you actually think any video game or even real life duel could come close to those of the movies, you need to go outside and get some fresh air. Every action video game will always be a "click fest." There is no way around it without using actual lightsabers or "virtual" lightsabers...but nobody seems to have that technology yet. My only other suggestion to you is use a joystick for saber duels. I found saber dueling with a joystick in JK1 much more enjoyable than using a mouse and keypad.

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of course the gameplay of JK2 isn't as good as UT...UT doesn't have a lightsaber, or a long single player mode, or force powers...hmm so you mean all the developers had to work on was multiplayer play with just guns? JK2 is balanced and not designed to be just a bunch of people running around with rocket launchers and blasting them at anything that moves.

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You know, sometimes I've even seen days where there are no coulds in the sky at all! I kid you not!


Anyway. Getting back on point.


I absolutely LOVE this game. The single player is tremendously challenging and I had a real sense of satisfaction when I got my lightsaber. Multiplayer can be a click-fest, but only if you're inexperienced in Lightsaber duelling; once you learn how to effectively control the saber and throw in some combos it becomes less of a click-fest and more of a tactical fight. Add Force skills into the equation and multiplayer Force/saber fights make for a refreshingly exciting change from your typical multiplayer point and click affairs.


You'll love it, Indy (I can call you Indy, right?) Since the multiplayer bots have the best AI I've seen, I'd recommend setting up your own server and practice saber techniques against bots.

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The game IS great! Is it perfect? Could it have been better? Definitely, but what game is perfect and what game isn't missing this or that to make it better? None, thats what game.


The single player is AMAZING in every respect, but is over quickly if you're an experienced gamer. The story imo is better than that of EP1 :p (not hard to beat, granted, but thats not to say that JK2's story sucks, its great). The shootouts in the first few levels are very exciting, and once you get your jedihood back it gets even better. The saber battles are breathtaking. The music is the same amazing score from the original movies, so its a winner. I especially like the music on the last level... its the tune that plays when the Emperor is shooting lightning at Luke in ROTJ, forget what its called. The graphics are superb with a few exceptions, but overall very immersive. The interface is responsive, the gameplay is great and fast-paced, you're a JEDI out for blood using all sorts of neat powers and the lightsaber, what more could you wish for?


Multiplayer isn't nearly as good as I thought it would be, mainly because they axed down the lightsaber's effectiveness (and/or visual effects) somewhat. You take that (the lightsaber) out, and you've got a pretty average shooter. Thats my biggest gripe, but the game is definitely worth buying anyway.

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