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Raven is screwing us


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Oh no way man........All I need is flashy graphics and some weapons and cool death animations, maybe even some hype and I'm sold. Pair that with Star Wars, and I'm set :p


--need any more proof I might be the sole living person who actually purchased Daikatana on release........laugh as you might, FPS it was.


--I gained a new-found respect for the hard work FPS devs put in when I fired up Worldcraft for the first time and ended up reading the help file for about 6 hours before I finally managed to construct two rooms and a hallway connecting them. That was mere leveling, I don't like to imagine the rest of the work put in other sections.. *shudders*

I think Raven has worked hard enough to produce a good game. Go troll elsewhere, I beg of you L**** whatever your name is because I'm editing and not posting and I can't recall your name....blah

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the reason he dosnt like it is cause he is a warezer, and warezers get the game because they're to impatiant

the same with the SP they're to impatiant to sit down and play through the game slowly they just go through and win ASAP



dont worry ChangKhan, i think it will be great to bad i have to wait an extra week cause of the slowness in New Zealand

maybe you can send me a signed collectors edition :rolleyes::joy:

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This loluz guy is a real winner...


Suffice it to say that you downloaded the warez version and you thought it was too hard to figgure out the puzzles....some people are less capable than others at these difficult tasks.



Please move on you've made your point. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by loluz

the add thing happens with me too when i try to log in...its really annoying. changekhan, please stay on topic, we're talking about the game and not anything else.


kessel, i completely agree with you but alot of parts in this game are just tedius and its obvious that all they try to do is stump you over and over again to get you stuck. Anybody ever play the game D? It had real puzzles, not attempts to get you stuck. Thats what i would like to see in this game.


Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ, not this dipsh!t again... he's just pissed cuz he was snagged in a lie - he has a warez copy of the game and everyone knows it and tore him a new one. He's just some pale-faced pimply teenaged twerp sitting in his room annoying people to the point of being banned and downloading warez and porn. Get a life, you loser.


Seriously, folks (and Raven), ignore this @$$hole.


As a matter of fact, I highly recommend clicking on his profile and then selecting to ignore all posts by him so you don't have to be subjected to his juvenile ramblings... I just did and I already feel cleaner... :)

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hiding the only way out of a certain part of a level in an area labeled as a "secret area" is not logical. My goggles even ran out of batteries and i was **** out of luck, so i had to restart the level once i was told that i had to go down there to get out of the part of the level i was stuck on. Logical puzzles shouldnt force as many people that ive seen come onto irc asking for help out of the part they are stuck on or asking for help on the forums. If they were logical alot more people would be able to solve them on their own. I cant count how many people ive told to get on the damn mine cart.

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also, thrawn, i had no trouble w/that part of the game, that was a puzzle you could say, but its not really something you coudl easily **** up.




and if you havent played the game dont post

please dont post

because i really dont care about your input if you havent played the game im posting about.

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dude seriously if your going to go on and on about it....sorry if finding a switch is boring to you....try MULTIPLAYER yeah that OTHER aspect of the game oh no guys you have to use your MOUSE IN THERE........raven you sure screwed us!


hey chang, you are good guys, I waited till today to give my $50 to you, I think you deserve, seeing as I will be playing this game for a while, I feel as if I owe you something, wouldn't feel right stealing it :)

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A) Quit referring to everyone else as an idiot


B) Don't attempt to force people to stay on or off topic. The point of forums are to gererate discussion. If that discussion happens to shift, so be it. So far, this entire thread has been you complaining about the game being too difficult for you.

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thanks zeroxcape i really appreciate your input (im not being sarcastic, your the only one whose being nice to me)

but not once did i say this game was too difficult, i simply stated that raven deliberately gets you stuck in the game to make it seem longer. Also, the only reason im referring to everybody as an idiot is because most of them are posting about a game that they havent even played.




yeah close the thread because im badmouthing the game and your opinion is much more important than mine!

a half assed opinion would be yours, and pretty much everybody else who has posted on this thread. want to know why its half assed? BECAUSE THEY HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME.

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Jeez guys, can't you see that Ioluz is right? It's just a load of time wasting, I can't beleive I got sucked in but now you also say there is stuff u have to spend time finding...uggh. All you other guys that bought and played the game must be on drugs!




("Sigh" *puts on flame proof suit*

"Will this ever end?"

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You shouldn't assume people haven't played it. Some people have legit copies (example: myself), others have downloaded it (example: you.)

Regardless, don't try to force your opinion on people. You've shared your thoughts, we've all listened, now move on...



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loluz obviously doesn't like this game. K, fine.

But why bother posting about it in the manner that he is?

Because he wants a response.

He's just a flame starter, troll, whatever you want to call him.

And it would most certainly be best to just ignore him and wait for this thread to be closed...

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Maybe your threads wouldn't end up attacking you if you stated your points clearly, without shouting, without making unfounded accusations and flaming others, even if you believe it is in retaliation and it is ok.



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hbk, i would not shout if i were not insulted. I would not flame if i were not flamed. I would not accuse unless i am accused first.

:D :D :D :D


zeroxcape, this is for discussion, not for listening to my rants about a game. i post, we discuss.

oh and ive lost pretty much all the respect i had for you after your last post, and im sure you know what im talkign about

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Lol oh I agree. After successfully completing every Raven FPS released dating back to friggin' Heretic I have had SO much trouble with the many mind-boggling puzzles that plague every one of their games. Take Soldier of Fortune for example, man there were a couple instances there where I didn't know which route to take in the sewers or if I would get shot if I stopped crouching behind a certain box. Raven is just plain crazy with the puzzles, they should really tone it down. They've gone way too far this time 'round though, I know that even before I get the game it will be a massive puzzle-fest yet again.


You have the know-how to download and decompress the rip of the game/create the iso and actually get into the game, which isn't rocket science but your average AOL kiddie probably couldn't manage it, yet you suffer through the many puzzles that are perplexing you throughout your warezed copy of the game?


This is becoming tedious. All the reviews so far seem to differ with your opinion.


At least this pathetic argument is passing the time until the sun rises, keep talking loluz, thanks to you I'll be popping brain cells over some of Raven's brainchild puzzles by noon tomorrow :cool:

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Just by downloading it illegally, I have totaly disregarded your opinion.


And I'm not kidding. I'm looking forward to the game moreso than I was before I read your post.


Kinda not what you expected, eh?


Go away, leave us be.

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Originally posted by loluz

zeroxcape, this is for discussion, not for listening to my rants about a game. i post, we discuss.

oh and ive lost pretty much all the respect i had for you after your last post, and im sure you know what im talkign about

Not really, but that's fine.
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