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Raven is screwing us


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JSM: have you played it yet?


btw, if you all want to play a REAL game with REAL puzzles, try morrowind: the elder scrolls 3

its coming out pretty soon, look foreward to it being one of the best rpg's EVER.

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Originally posted by loluz

thanks for your input rogue_ace

apparently these forums are only for raven groupies

anybody who is badmouthing a game on these forums is to be immediately removed, his thread deleted, and his account banned!



i really do love this game, i just think that raven could have put a little more effort into informing us such as the fact that you also have look in secret areas for ways out of a level


Ok sorry guys/gals but as the newbie to these boards, I guess it's my turn on the front lines.


You are mistaken, they do not attack people whom have negative comments or critique JK2. No you are missing the point so I guess I will have to clarify it for you: :swear:


We are focusing our efforts on YOU!




Normally, from what I can tell, those who have gripes with JK2 are still treated with respect but you are an exception.


Why? Well see you made it a point to proudly proclaim that you got your copy from warez sites and proceeded to insult the designers and members of this forum. Then you have the gall to want tech support and game help with your pirated copy!


And you wonder why there's all the hostility towards you! :eyeraise:

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Why? Well see you made it a point to proudly proclaim that you got your copy from warez sites and proceeded to insult the designers and members of this forum. Then you have the gall to want tech support and game help with your pirated copy!



where did u read this?

im laughing so hard man

im so confused as to where you found this information.

i work at software etc and i picked up my copy a bit early

i did have a warez copy sure, but i never admitted that until NOW, but i have a legit copy now that i did PAY FOR, so stfu.

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oh btw

im just a forum troll looking for attention

i really love this game

i have no problem with its puzzles

im just having fun baiting you guys, i hope you're all having fun along with me!


i live under a bridge too

/me makes troll noises

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yes, of course i have played it. i received the game on tuesday morning around 10 am. the only reason i didn't post it here is because no one would believe me.


and if you really do love this game you will buy it.


edit: sorry, didn't see your previous post

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LOL I must REALLY suck at the sarcasm thing. I'll just cease the act entirely....lol jeez..........yes I understand it is all a joke.......all of my posts have been cracker-crap bs to fill the post-less void.


I might have felt a hint of primitive anger for .1 milliseconds when I saw the previous post, but then my higher cognitive functions took over and I'm laughing away at this entire thread.


Star Shortstop.

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Yep, after the last comment from Loluz, I have definetly decided that the mods need to close this thread. No one post anymore on this thread. It's really silly, disgusting, and childish. Loluz, I don't mean this in an offensive way, but I'll be praying for you. Honestly, I pray that whatever anger issues that you have in your life or whatever your real life are worked out because they are tearing you down sir. It isn't healthy to get so angry and bitter. Truly. Are they problems at home that you have to escape from? Abuse? Do you feel inadequate to your parents? All of these things can build up all this anger that you are displaying. Take a look at yourself and your life, Loluz. Are you really happy? It doesn't sound like it. Why don't you go and search out why. Or....you can ask me sometime why you aren't happy. I know the answer.


General Theros


P.S. actually, since this post isn't following the comment made by Loluz that I'm referring to, I'll just let you guys figure it out. It was the really disgusting one up there a few posts up about someone's mother.

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why am i not happy

whats the answer


I KNOW WHY IM NOT HAPPY, BUT YOU DO NOT, so dont tell me that you know.


I'm sorry that im so disgusting and childish, but the way you speak is the way everyone would have been speaking if the nazi's had won the war. Please do pray for me in your southern baptist ways! I'd love for your artifical god to have a place for me in his heart!



im just having fun baiting people on this forum

so hard to understand?

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No, actually it isn't hard to understand why you are having fun baiting people! And of couse, I do know why you aren't happy. But I'll let you keep thinking I don't. Artificial God? Nope.


"For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty." 2nd Peter 1:16


Sorry, I don't speak like a Nazi. I speak like someone who is educated. As a matter of fact, I just went to the Holocaust Museum in D.C. about 2 weeks ago. It was deeply moving and I truly believe it is something that everyone should go and see at least once in their life.


General Theros

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Originally posted by loluz

but the way you speak is the way everyone would have been speaking if the nazi's had won the war. Please do pray for me in your southern baptist ways! I'd love for your artifical god to have a place for me in his heart!


Joking or not, your previous comment was way out of line. If you feel someone is 'attacking' you, be a bigger person and don't sink to their level. And frankley, you inadvertently call the good General a nazi and insult every person who worships God. These kind of jokes are NOT humerous. Please change your ways, your behavior is inappropriate and unwelcome around here.




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my last account got banned, what a surprise


General Theros,

whats that? your god isnt artificial? i beg to differ, WHERE WAS YOUR GOD WHEN ALL THOSE JEWS WERE DYING, WHERE WAS HE THEN MY FRIEND.

go back to watching your PG rated movies and attending church 5 times a week choir boy, because nobody here wants to hear you quote scripture you goddamn sheep.

go run along with the rest of your sex offending priests, bishops, and cardinals you southern baptist inbred white trash F-UCK


btw, im jewish.

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Does this really have to go on? This arguments/discussion/whatever-you-want-to-call-it is a mess.


Dude loluz if you don't have anything important to say, go away. Seriously.


heh, ban me and then what? I reg a new account


Hack your computer. Does that work? You sound like a forum stalker/flamer. Why do you even bother to post on the forum? No one really care how "Raven is screwing you" because many others, except you, don't feel "screwed" at all.


One last thing. Stop spamming. 33 posts a day = spam especially when you got nothing good to say. if you purely want a higher rank, go ask the mods :D

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The reason everyone jumps on him is because he's aggressive, combative, and just plain rude. We'd welcome a negative viewpoint (as I'm sure Raven would as well --constructive critiscism is always great for software development), but he's a troll. He admits that he is a troll, has in fact done so twice now. He'll be dealt with as such.

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