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Trade Ferdaeration: Pros and Cons


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Since i recieved my copy a few days ago, i have tried several civs. Trade Federation is the one for me, for several reasons.


1. Destroyer Droids are almost unstoppable (Except against Towers or Gungan Units)

2. Mechs are very effective against troops and other mechs.

3. They do not require prefab shelters.



Anyway, to the point. The reason Trade Federation is very good:

1. Stands up to any civilized civ (Empire, Naboo, Rebel Alliance) and is overwhelmingly effective against Wookies (They dont have a prayer of a chance).

2. Trade bonuses and such make for good econ. (But get your carbon fast, as you collect it much slower than other civs.)


These reasons make TF a formidable civ in most cases. Now for the bad news:


The Gungans own the Trade Fed completely, why? Because the gungan weaponry goes straight through sheilds, thus destroying destroyer droids and doing mass damage to other TF units. Basically to kill a gungan civ, you need twice to three times the military with TONS of cannons, otherwise your dead, plain and simple.



1.Trade Federation units get utterly owned by Advanced Turrets and Gungan Units

2. Carbon production lower than other civs



All-in-all the Trade Federation is a very formidable civ, but if you have to go against gungans, god help you.

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Guest DarkTemplar

That is what I have noticed. I don't really like the gungans that much. The gungans are weak against other civs except trade federation.

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Guest Tie Guy

Ok, here's the pro and cons for the Empire that i've come up with




1. ATATs with support vehicles are almost unstoppable in the game, they tear right through an enemy base, even those with shields and towers.


I've yet to find a civ that has the equal of the ATAT. Even though the units are supposedly the same thing, it couldn't be further from the truth. I've tried similar tactics with the TF and Wookies, but they weren't nearly as effective. The gungans may have good mechs, but ATATS with ATSTs and ATPTs abosolutely crush them every time. A single volley from these all you guys can take out an Assault mech or artillery before they even get off a shot. Additionally, laser cannons are taken out by these guys in one or two shots from a single ATAT. And, if you stuff all of your vehicles with troops then you can hide your strength and really scare and crush your enemy, since the Empire has effective troops as well. Oh, and don't worry about fortresses, they fall fairly quick before a strike tam of this calibur. I once destroyed 2 whole TF bases that had 2 fortresses each without losing a single ATAT, and only loosing a few support vessels.


Ok, cons:


1. Their air isn't the greatest. they don't have shields, and they are very weak against mechs, especially Droidekas for some reason.


However, that doesn't mean they are useless. TIE Defenders are quite a formiddable unit. These things are fast and manuverable, and they make worker raids seem like it is nothing. So, while they are pretty much useless against buildings, they are not without value by a long shot.

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Guest BlackMantis

Nice post Tie.


To follow up on the Gungans a bit (since that is the civ I play almost exclusively); people should know that they do have weaknesses also (which can be exploited). The biggest weakness however is not their lack of Air superiority, but rather their pathetic Jedi. As the game book states, when you erect a Jedi Temple and 'call for a Jedi to come help you' (click the Jedi icon to produce a Jedi), they will come ready to protect you. Well, the Jedi gods must send their most worthless Jedi to help the Guns... ;)


Now, don't think I am complaining; far from it.... I just want to point out that the Trade Federation has very little to fear in the way of Gungan Jedi using conversions and the like to tear them apart from within, cause it ain't happenin! The Naboo.... well, that's another story entirely. I have used Naboo Jedi to convert so many Destroyers, it was like I produced them myself....


Ahhhh..... tactics. So much bloody fun!


~ Mantis

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Guest dlayers

Tie...AT ATs do rock...but if you see air coming, beware :)


I took out 20 AT ATs in a deathmatch yesterday, with about 15 wookie fighters AND the at at's where protected by aa troopers.


AT AT's can destroy ANYTHING on the ground and ANY buildings but if it is flying the AT ATs are dying :)

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Guest Wanderer_Man

Destroyer Droids are not unstoppable, grenade troopers (esp. with explosive yields) and Mech Destroyers (Esp Heavys) do very well against them. Think to keep in mind is cost ratio, 1 grenade trooper is NOT equal to 1 DD.


"That is what I have noticed. I don't really like the gungans that much. The gungans are weak against other civs except trade federation."


Actually the gungans are sort of like the Jack of all trades, good troops, good mechs, good heavy weapons and exceptional sea..mmm Adv. Cruisers. Plus a lot of their units can be healed (Naval, Pummels, Air) makes for some interesting battles. That's not even counting the Fambaa Shield Gen.


(Tip make the fambaa its own group to move around makes for much easier manuvering of your army)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by dlayers

Tie...AT ATs do rock...but if you see air coming, beware :)


I took out 20 AT ATs in a deathmatch yesterday, with about 15 wookie fighters AND the at at's where protected by aa troopers.


AT AT's can destroy ANYTHING on the ground and ANY buildings but if it is flying the AT ATs are dying :)


O know, thats why you always gotta include AA artillery in your support vehicles. Also, loading your ATATs with AA troops is also efefctive. If they have air, you can unload them, if they don't they won't be in danger.


Oh, and of course i always take plenty of TIE Defenders into combat with me, so they are AA. Actually, i normally send in my TIE Defenders in before my main assault to take out their workers.

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some more usfeul info.......


Me and a friend were playing a Deathmatch 2v2 today, i was TF and he was Gungans......we rushed the two other players, one was naboo and other was empire. Let me tell you, a TF/Gungan team up is a VERY good match.....with the gungan boobas going through the sheilds and the TF mechs and heavy weapons (and DDs) providing much needed protection, nothing stood a chance. We downed around 50 AT-ATs with pretty good ease (using hordes of TF Mech Destroyers). The gungans using tons of repeater troops, a few artillery and strike mechs under faambas really made a stomping impact on the battle.....although against the empire it woulda been stopped short if not for the TF backing agaisnt those AT-AT's........the gungans effectively destroyed any lesser troops, and all naboo trops with relative ease as well.....all in all the TF and Gungan mix is extremely effective and used the right way may be the dominating force in the game.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

shielded snowspeeders can take down an AT-AT in about 5 seconds! ANyway, nice review. I thought it was good, saying I love the TF and they are the civ I use, but they eat up nova like there is no tomorrow.... hmm...

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Guest Tie Guy

The Naboo:


People over-estimate this civ WAY too much. Sure, they have good air, but air is very easily destroyed, even with shields. Plus, one thing i learned, having good air will NOT win the game for you. However, having good mechs will. Unforunatly, the Naboo have the WORST mechs in the game. This makes a big difference, a VERY big difference. Do not be fooled for a second into think that all Assault Mechs are basically the ame, coz it couldn't be farther from the truth. For example, i had 6-8 ATATs and some ATPTs and ATSTs. I totally ransacked a TF base with no losses to my ATATs and only a few to the others. However, when i played the Naboo, i had 12-15 Steadfasts and support vehicles. However, i also had air units, and lots of them. I had maybe 10 Fighters and 15 Bombers. When i was done, i finally managed to destroy the base, but what i was left with was around 4 heavily damaged Steadfasts and 2 laser cannons (which i had forgotten about in my intial strike), and NO air units. Oh, and i also had another 5 Stead fasts, 5 gian speeders, and 5 champions on a "backdoor" assault that i launched after my intial strike and that i carried in on transports. However, they all got wasted without doing to much damage. Who was the perpetrater, a SINGLE turret, no joke!!! So, as you can see, the Naboo's air does NOT make up for what it obviously lacks in mechs.

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It may be true that "Destroyer Droids and AT-ATs" may be unstoppable, but that's why they come in late game. If you're playing a civ like the Rebels or wookies, with good troops, you should give them an early rush so they can't build those disgustingly powerful units. I mean, it was the same thing with the Germans in WWII; they had the Tigers and junk, but the mass amounts of Allied air and Sherman tanks simply took out the German economy before they could make enough Tigers to be unstoppable.

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Guest Bifficvs
Originally posted by Wanderer_Man

Actually the gungans are sort of like the Jack of all trades, good troops, good mechs, good heavy weapons and exceptional sea..mmm Adv. Cruisers. Plus a lot of their units can be healed (Naval, Pummels, Air) makes for some interesting battles. That's not even counting the Fambaa Shield Gen.


Shields are good...I like the wookiee regeneration though....

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Guest Destroyer Droid

I don't have the full version but can someone explain how Gungans can wipe out tf (I heard something about being able to bypass shields) can someone please elaborate for us not blessed with being able to see for our selves ?

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Destroyer Droid I don't have the full version but can someone explain how Gungans can wipe out tf (I heard something about being able to bypass shields) can someone please elaborate for us not blessed with being able to see for our selves ?


Actually its quite simple. Lets say you have a Destroyer Droid, i beleive it takes 65 hp (i could be wrong) and its sheilds double that. Well against a Gungang "booba" (or the ammo the gungans use) the go straight through the sheilds. What does this mean? It means when a normal laser hits a DD, it takes about 6 or 7 off the Sheild HP which quickly adds back on, when a "booba" hits a DD, it takes 6-7 off the regular HP, which means with a few hits the DD is dead, with no help from its sheilds whatsoever.


Ill be glad to answer any other Q's about the TF or Gungans, (possibly other civs but i dont know as much about them)

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