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Geforce 2 MX400 VS. Radeon 7200

Guest Darth Evenios

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Guest Darth Evenios

Hey its me again ;-). Ok i got the money so I am going with the Xtacy Geforce2 MX400 64MB. However I see from the specs it does not support DVD playback, my older Savage S4 8MB card does, but I do not watch DVD's that much anyways. I now see that Circut City offers the Radeon 7200 64MB card at the same price (assuming they are both in the same class) for the performance and stability which is the better deal? It looks like the Geforce2 has a faster clock speed.. DVD playback doesnt matter too much since i can just use my older card for that...but is the Radeon 7200 really any better than the Geforce 2 MX400 or would you say NO go for the Xtasy Geforce 2... as the Radeon is NOT a geforce (sniff).


Also is it theoretically possible to UNDERCLOCK your PC say to slow it down to play older games and for testing purposes? I would assume this would be much safer than overclocking it... if so are there any good programs or free utilities that would do as such? Thanks.

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Guest Darth Evenios

Well great NOW you tell me :-p oh well... actually though the radeon 7200 is like AGP and i dont think I have a free AGP slot so oh well :-p

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But you would have a free AGP slot if you remove your current graphics card, and if it's not already in an AGP slot then you must have your AGP slot free - either that or you don't have one.


There shouldn't really be anything else in an AGP slot seeing as how it's Accelerated Graphics Port

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