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Things I'd like to see in a Patch...


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Are there currently any plans on patching the game? I know some games that dont have an open testing period frequently change attributes of weapons and playstyle after the community gets its hands on the game I was wondering if you were maybe planning the same thing?



If so here are a few things that I personally would not mind being changed :D





rocket speed being increased perhaps to q1 rocket speed? if so a little bit reduced damage and more than 3 shots would be widely accepted I believe.


force speed actually being speedy. it seems like speed doesnt really give you a whole lot extra umph.


the ability to pick up weapons for ammo. i know when i first picked the game up and got home and tried playing some multiplayer that it bugged me i would have to run clear on the other side of the map to pick up ammo for a gun that is floating right there for other people to pick up.


force grip not being an effective offensive tool. it appears that grip does not do that much damage, and when you couple that with light sides ability to heal it really makes grip pointless (in my opinion)


force draining to quickly? It seems that after a few jumps that my force is too low to either use another force power or to even jump is it maybe possible to lower the amount of force used for jumping or speed?


location points on maps. I know that in q3 ctf/tdm the location binds were important and same with team overlay so that you could see where you team was.. There are no location points in any of the maps I have gotten to look at yet, when i try my /teamsay <-- bind all i get is me pointing at myself with nobody having any idea where I am.







thats all i could think of off the top of my head im sure when I talk to some of my friends after they too have gotten a chance to play this game thoroughly that I will have more too add. I hope Raven listens to the community unlike a certain FATHER OF THE SERIES DOES NOT.

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force grip not being an effective offensive tool. it appears that grip does not do that much damage, and when you couple that with light sides ability to heal it really makes grip pointless (in my opinion)


I thought a level 3 grip could pull someone off the ground for dropping over a ledge? Damn I need to get this game to clarify so much.

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it can but your grip is broken if you are pushed, also not every level has a ledge you can grip someone and throw them over the side. for example grip is pointless in bespin because the only place its suitable for is on the rocket landing. it doesnt take too many people long to realize its best to not mess around and let your opponent grip you off the ledge so you make them fight you in other parts of the level.. where grip is a pointless weapon

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Still I suppose if you approached someone from behind........ but then I suppose lifting them would not do much, I can see your point there, I think its just nice to have cos its dark and it was in the films, I suppose killing someone with it is like knifing someone in CS - Shameful for the victim.

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No offense meant here, but the sort of issues you're talking about is usually why there's a strong mod community. Raven implemented the gameplay balance they felt appropriate, and shouldn't it be up to the community to provide a plethora of balance options for those with different tastes in game play? If Raven is going to spend time tweaking the game, I'd rather see bug fixes (if needed), new MP gameplay types, and more professional maps and models.


Just a thought.

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There's one noticable bug that may get a lot of people stuck in the SP, I think Raven should already know bout this one though. I guess I have to put a spoiler tag on it but it is pretty near the start of the game...



In the final mining level, when you have to let the miners escape you initially take on two AT-STs, when you encounter the third one, if you retreat up the lift, then the AT-ST will simply disappear. This renders the level unfinishable as you need to take out all mobile AT-STs.



There are also a few AI anomolies, such as I noticed one bumping back and forth when stuck near a crate; only seen once ever. Also some of the characters that lead you stop constantly. You have to run around them to get them moving again, pretty annoying. There the only AI bugs I've encountered so far, it's pretty impressive in some aspects. I can see the enemy constantly trying to surround and flank me, attacking me from all angles.

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I was going to start a thread like this too, I'll just add to yours.


- Map Location strings are a must if you want some competitive play. :)


- Q3 engine newbie, but how do I make key chat binds? Can I?


- I can't alt-tab. Why not? Alt-enter works to move it to a window, but once I focus the mouse on it, it's locked there, defeating the purpose.


- Is there no easier way to join a specific ip address than to make it a favorite? Can there be a "join location" or "join ip" button that pops up a window and I just type (preferably paste) an ip address?


- Can we bind dark and light powers to the same key in multiplayer? They're mutually exclusive, and it would save rebinding when you switch sides.


- It would also be cool to be able to create templates for the various force power levels, eg, if I join a Jedi Master server, I want "this", but if I join a Padawan server, it's automatically configured for "that".


- On that note, it would be nice to see more game settings from the server browser, maybe a "server info" button that lets us know it's force level, other rules/settings. If that button is there I just overlooked it.


- Does the game skip a lot for anybody else? When I die, it skips a bit until I can respawn. It's initially slow on joining a server and skips during play, but then stabalizes after a bit. It still occasionally skips during play though. (think of a skipping cd, frozen, sound skips, etc until it catches up). I'd like either a fix or to know how to fix it myself :) (duron 750, geforce 4 4400, 256mb ram)


- I don't know if this is how the Q3 engine worked because I never played it, but loading every model every time you switch maps is a pain. Can there be a way to pre-load models that are common (weapons, player models, etc) to cut down on map loading time? It sucks being on a server and not getting into the game after the map switches until you're down 2-0.


I thought I had more, if I think of any I'll add them to the list. None of these are really show stoppers (although the combination can make a few things frustrating). Overall the game is a lot of fun and you guys did some really great stuff. I hope we can see some of the troublesome little things fixed :)

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Whoops, guess I forgot to try to alt-tab after I was in window'd mode since it didn't work full screen, thanks for the info. That's a work around at least, but it would be much nicer just to be able to alt-tab from full screen mode.

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Originally posted by The Wibble


I thought a level 3 grip could pull someone off the ground for dropping over a ledge? Damn I need to get this game to clarify so much.


Level 3 grip is hella strong I think... Plus tossing people off ledges at will is pretty god-like.

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Originally posted by Fitz

Whoops, guess I forgot to try to alt-tab after I was in window'd mode since it didn't work full screen, thanks for the info. That's a work around at least, but it would be much nicer just to be able to alt-tab from full screen mode.


No worries. I agree ALT-TABbing from a full window should be allowed (so i can check all those tasty screenshots)

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Originally posted by Brodieman


No worries. I agree ALT-TABbing from a full window should be allowed (so i can check all those tasty screenshots)



I'm pretty sure that you can use ALT-ESC to swith out of the program. But i think that they don't recomend it...

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I think the original poster doesn't quite understand that there are 3 levels to each force power, some of these need to be tweaked I agree, but level 1 speed isn't worth the points to get it, neither is level 1 jump, max em out on level 3 and then see what kind of results you get. :)




Also, last night someone was gripping the doo doo out of my neck and I upgraded my guy to level 3 force push (f1) and as soon as he gripped me, I pushed him and he fell down, I ran over to his body and slashed him with my saber, basically every move in this game has a counter, give it time and we will learn them all and see what we excel in and what we don't.



Practice, practice, practice, don't expect to dominate a server after a few games, you learn more from losing in this instance.

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no actually i know all about the levels of force powers. that is why i complain about the damage grip does.. hardly any. I have already adapted.. the only reason I included the force comments is because I am more interested in helping out the people that want to use grip, heck if it was worth using it might as well BE WORTH putting points into.




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ok i have a few problems with this game but let me first say i was an avid player of jk dark forces 1&2 so i don't want any responses saying I i don't understand something about using force guns or the game because I do. I might restate some points form the above post but it is only because they are important points....


#1 I argee with logan the rocket speed needs to be increased and more ammo should come with it.

#2 Also you should be able to pick up guns more than once b4 you die there is to little ammo and the levels are to big to be wasting time goting to get 3 shots for a gun.

#3 speed does need to be increased it is obvious that the designers of this game were not players of the previous jedi knight games.

#4 less force needed for jump speed and saber throw they are all very commonly used theres no reason they should suck that much force

# 5 server info should say what force level the game is its really annoying to enter a game then realize there playign a way you dont like to play.

# 6 maby adding another gun or 2 this time make one thats effective examples dark forces 2 concusion rif and the rail gun tribes the disk launcher q3 rockets(could be fixed just by addin ammo and speed to jk rocket) im not asking you to rip off and idea from another game make your own just make them effective

# 7 make the locking pulse on grip easier to grip with if its a guns level light is untouchable by dark

# 8 make it possible to use weapons while using force like grip it would give the darks a better chance against light because they coud grip them and use gun to finish them off.


now we can only hope the game creators are involved with the game in the future

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