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Can I run JK2 with high detail graphics?


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Yeah you should. I see absolutely no reason you shouldn't. I've got:


AMD Athlon 1GHz

512 Ram

3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 (64 megs RAM)


I just got it today and I've got just about everything maxed out and it runs pretty damn good. The only things I am limited to are my resolution (640x480 runs real good, 800x600 is a little slower) and the volumetric shadows (looks good, but really slows me down). However, seeing as how you have a kick-ass video card (wish I had yours), I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to fully max out your game settings :D

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right now i think my game will run in medium settings decently. i got:

t-bird 1.13 ghz

512 sdram

geforce 2 mx 400 64mb


but that will be for like a week cuz i should be gettin a radeon 8500 to help with that. max settings here i come :D


d4rth b0b4


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Navaros...you have already stated your opinion of the game in the thread you started...which is now closed due to the number of inflammatory comments it attracted. While you are entitled to your opinion...please refrain from posting in such a manner in every thread. Thanks. :cool:

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I have a 1ghz athlon, geforce3 ti200, 512 ram and I run at 1024 32bit color with maxed everything and it runs fantastic, I am speed freak when it comes to windows resources so I guess that helps. Since Raven used 256x256 in most of their textures the game looks awsome.

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Navaros - of course it looks bettert han SOF and Quake 1. Stop being such a fool. I've seen screenshots of Jedi Knight 2 and it looks very good indeed (lightsabre effect particularly).


I never asked how good the visuals were, I asked how it ran and you didn't even mention that Navaros. So stop ranting and go outside for a change :p

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It should run it fine, you prolly will not be able to run it great with everything maxed. My thoughts are to do what Chang said. Let the game preset everything for you(it does this during the install) then go in and lower the settings by 1 notch and you should do fine.


What I mean by 1 notch is:


If it is set to HIGH lower it down one step...in this case MEDIUM.


Though you can always play around and see which is best for you.


Also scandisking and defragging your HD seriously helps as well with game loads

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why's everyone saying its smooth with settings up to the highest?.... are you guys just talking about MP?


in SP.. the volumetric shadow's really causing some stutters where there's lots of action... (lots of characters on screen)... I have to switch to Simple shadow for a smooth ride...


Oh .. and I always get stutters at the start of the game.. normal right???


hhmm... I run at everything set to highest except the shadow.. 1024x768, and Quincunx FSAA


GF4 ti4400@300/600


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