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Darth Maul MADE for JK2

Fetal IceCream

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ta for all the nice words folks....

i did originally try to make maul work along with reborn but i failed, but thats ok now that has all been rectified... now i can make JAR JAR BINKS heh heh heh


as for that dual blade saber pic .... i do believe it is fake

look at the pics again ....

under the thrown saber is the glow from it...

luke is standing in the Saber OFF pose... and theres no glow

but the pic shows the saber on ...




sorry to spoil ppls hopes.

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i believe there is a possibility this picture is legit


the glow from under the thrown sabre encompasses the dual length though this could of course be added in


lukes hand is extended in the recall sabre pose not sabre off , his hand is clearly extended


besides, Raven have let on theres a dual sabre easter egg, now if people who found these things would share instead of being.. erm yes well lets not go there


Dual Sabre Power!!!

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Originally posted by trevoreaton

Those screenshots are real. They were taken by a user on the somethingawful.com forums name Luebbi. He took them while playing with someone named Sambo on a cheat enabled server. Sambo, however, wouldn't tell how to get it.


If his name is sambo, then why is the last letter of his name "a"?

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Originally posted by Darksider

ahh yes ive seen you about!

youre not a......

Gunwhore are you??????


Sabre Society challenges you to a collective duel!


nup ... i do use the guns ... but only when im hurtin and i dont particularly wish to die at that time...

u usually use force and saber ...

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I used the modified version of Darth Maul that does not replace reborn - and made a version that also works on team games where you choose blue or red as a team. Nothing changed except the clothing is a little lighter and tinted blue/red depending. I tested it and it works. I figured I would say I did it however, as Fetal may want to come out with his own. And I know what it is like to have your work ripped to make something else. So I will not do that too him.


Also -- I have skinned for other games, but never for Quake3 or JediKnight 2. Just a question -- when we create these wonderful skins - do tehy only show up on servers that allow them? Some servers do not seem to show the DarthMaul skin, while others do. Also -- if someone else does not download the skin and joins a server that you are on - and you are using the skin - will their client download it so they can see it as long as AutoDownload is enabled?


By the way FetalIceCream -- if you have any question on how to get the blue/red combo skins to show up or work, let me know. It should not be hard or difficult, but I figured I would offer anyhow.

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