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i have the game (GB) open for Q's

Delphi's Clone

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Originally posted by krkode

so old obi wan is better than young obi wan (wierd)


any way could i please know lukes stats


and when u select obi wan or qui gon do u see the actors face in the lil square or do u see an animated actors face.

hope u understand what i mean


I'll give you Luke's stats later today... I think he has identical stats to Qui-Gon... lemme check...


You see a picture from the movie...

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as rommel said you see the picture form the movie in the box Yoda can beat Vader because his stick is just very powerful.... i think it was supposed to be funny......

my favorite civ is ummm probly the Royal naboo they have cool air and there water and ground unites rock hehe there guy troopers are also cool after that i would say the trade federation because you dont have to build those annoyin houses


and it isnt my foault i have to leave its just that ummmmm...

lets put it this way i usually am on these forums while at work cause i have nothing els to do and now my boss has forbidden me to go on these forums while at work and at home i have very littel time....... ( i spend my free time on GB now a days lol)

well on weekends when i have more time you might see a couple of my posts but not not that much anymore..........


rommel i have e-mailed you about this


oh ya and i really did play roug leader ( roug squaderon2 ) it was great it looked like in the movies :eek: it was just great and the AI was reallyt good too....

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