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The JK2 brotherhood


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hello there.


Now, as we can all see, many of us have JK2. Most of us have different opinions of it, of course. However, the one thing that should be present in all gaming communities is a sense of comradery and brotherhood. We're all gamers, and we're all here because of this game, so why not have a fun time chatting together while we're at it? True, we may have opinions that radically different from others, but it doesn't mean we have to go over the top in our responses to those who think otherwise. We are of many different nationalies, ages, and tastes, but this shouldn't mean we don't get along.


How about, for just a few days at least, everybody just tries to get along with everyone else? Who knows, you might enjoy being friends with other people.


Anyway, I, for one, am resolved to have this forum as a friendly place for people to post. What about you?

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