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Utterly stuck in the mines...


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Everyone's been iced and yet I still cannot figure out how to proceed.

I know it must have something to do with getting on top of one of the cargo drones, but everything I've tried gets me dead.

Oh, yes, there is still one door inaccessible to me, but I think the answer has to be how to hitch a ride on the cargo drone.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Welcome to the forums, BTQ. :) Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion* ;)


I'm moving this over to the Help->Strategy Centre forum where I'll try to answer your question. ;)


Okay...here it is...I'm guessing your stuck on this next bit, because a lot of others have been...


Do you remember seeing a pipe coming out of the cliff-face and sliding back in, near the start of the level? Well, that pipe's important. You need to find a way to get on top of it...and then you must get inside it, and get to a chamber at it's end where you destroy the red columns to stop the radiation process in the chamber where the mining carts temporarily stop.


You will have to do this quickly..or you will die from the radiation in the chamber. Once you've destroyed the red column under the elevating platform, it should come all the way down, and then you can ride it up into the chamber above.


Now, to get on top of a mining cart...you simply climb up one of the struts in that room and drop down onto the next cart that comes along. ;)

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Boy I must be gettin old,things like this didnt hang me up but this game sure is.

I see the pipe i need to get to but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get to it.

I have made it all the way to the tram station(no tram though)and have an security key and a supply key but they do not work on any doors.

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

I've read all the posts and tried to figure it out before I posted so sorry if this has been asked and awsered before





Never Mind :)

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