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Who Thinks the Bow Sucks?


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I don't like the bow. I've started avoiding collecting it now when I run past it.


It's hard to time shots with it unless the enemy is REALLY close and the multi-shot thingo hardly ever hits.


Give me any gun except the bow! :)



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I guess you are referring to the bowcaster, in which case I only use secondary fire for it and only for long ranges... came in handy on the streets of Nar Shaddaa. I never use primary fire on this weapon, never did in JK1 either. I haven't ever used this gun in multiplayer either.

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I like the Bowcaster. :) But mostly in SP.


In primary fire you can either rapidly tap the fire button, to get several shots squeezed off in a row - of course, you have to aim carefully - but it is a lot more accurate than the E-11. Or you can power it up slightly for a more powerful shot up close. I even found occasion to use the multi-bolt spread in a confined space with lots of Stormies coming at me - and I can't say I had need to use that at all in the original JK.


As for the secondary fire, it's great for shooting around corners, or has a chance of hitting an enemy on the rebound off a wall directly behind, if your aim is slightly off. It is also useful for getting off a ranged shot that is pretty sure to drop an enemy, as long as your aim is dead on.


And besides...I love the detail on that weapon. :D


I only use the Disruptor for sniping, because the primary fire seems a bit weak.

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besides the times when you have no other weapon, the times I found the bowcaster a saving grace, was in the garbage levels, when those rodians open up a small panel. I would always kill them by richoceting into it and thus never exposed myself toany return fire.

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I think the bowcaster is the best weapon available for the first few levels it seems to kill more often with 1 shot than the rest of the weapons the spread fire function is sort of useless but the bouncing one is fun but now I have the lightsaber sod that gun:D

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