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Mojo News Post

Tall Guy

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i just read the mojo news post about the death of the queen mother. i have to say i was shocked and couldnt believe what i was readin. i was under the impression mojo was run by decent people but i was wrong. im from england, and im not sayin i knew the QM or nethin but she did a hell of a lot for my country during the war and ever since, and she deserves a lot more respect than that. i wouldnt normally complain but that news post was in bad taste and was completely out of order. the fact that is was made into a big joke just made it worse. whats goin on mojo???

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I wasn't really bothered by it, but I won't say it was right.


I am debating if there MI5 post are real, or a big joke. Have to wait in see for a few days probally before we'll actually know if it's the real deal, or a hoax.

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Originally posted by Tall Guy

i just read the mojo news post about the death of the queen mother. i have to say i was shocked and couldnt believe what i was readin. i was under the impression mojo was run by decent people but i was wrong. im from england, and im not sayin i knew the QM or nethin but she did a hell of a lot for my country during the war and ever since, and she deserves a lot more respect than that. i wouldnt normally complain but that news post was in bad taste and was completely out of order. the fact that is was made into a big joke just made it worse. whats goin on mojo???


OMG - I am so totally with you on this one, and would cite this as an example of complete disrespect, and the excuse that the Queen Mother wouldn't greive for him if he were dead pretty pathetic. It's true that I am not truly greiving for her, but I can't imagine what it must have been like for the queen to lose not only her sister, but her mother in such a short space of time. Completely unacceptable!

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According to my history class, which being from Wales we have to recite from rote:


<ahem> :0


"The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw the decline of the monarchy as a true political power, with King George III the first true political patron, though one who still wielded considerable infuence... power continued to decline throughout the eighteenth century, until monarchial status was reduced to that of a nation's figurehead, as seen today."


And that is what you get for taking an AS in British political history :rolleyes: Now all I need is that A!

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