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Cool thing i found


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It's really difficult to pull off but there is a hilarious thing that can be done with grip.


I've only managed to pull it off twice with an active opponent.


You have to jump OVER your opoonent while they're on the ground, but not so high over their head that you're out of grip range. When your EXACTLY over their head (so that if you stopped you would land on it) start gripping and hold it down, if you timed it right you should land on their head. As soon as you land on their head start running. You'll pull them around just fast enough so that you will continue "running" on their head while dragging them all around.


Anyway...just thought I'd share.

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Level 3 grip is fun :)


If you grip them, hold them up, and let go and use force push really fast, they'll fly over your head, occasionally hitting you and looking as if Kyle parried the body over his head.


Push works well too as your able to launch the enemy directly above you.


You can push Thermal Detonators around too.


While Im at it, you can flip stormies with grip. Grab a stormie, roll backwards and look up at the same time. When you get straight up, let go (dont stop, else he will just fall down) and he'll go flying right over you more than likely dieing from the fall. You can also do this trick in the air with level 3 force jump by grabbing the stormie as you ascend and toss him up as you reach your peak. Major hang time. Heck you can even push him upwards from there if you want. :)

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I prefer to grip people in MP and drop them off ledges, lol. Thats all we were doing at a Lan Party Basically... that and using double sabers....


*cough* then when I got bored of them throwing me off since cheats were on I used noclip, lol. They couldn't figureout why I was flying....


then I decided to use give all and snipe em in a saber only match... that was funny as all hell, ha ha

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People who grip drop me become my target. I always let them get in a grip the next time i see them. PUSH. Kill. First day I was playing i nearly put the game away after being grip dropped about 20 times in a row. Then I realized push counters it and will usually knock em over since they can't defend against it while gripping. They thought of everything....sooooo sweet =)


Must get off work...


Must get home and play


Oh and deslock...ya know I'd never tried the throwing bit...because I try not to use grip more then ABSOLUTELY necessary. Sounds like a blast.

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