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Grand Admiral Thrawn skin now available


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Thanx to ChangKhan[Raven], I got the model viewer working, so I got my first proper JK2 skin done tonight. It's just a quick skin, I've got more planned, but they will need to wait for the tools.


anyway, heres the link. It's 1.3MB.(Updated version, see post below for details)



not a good pic :)



the skin has full CTF colours and bot support. The bot behaves a lot like lando (avoids sabers), but with its own chat lines.


Don't think I've missed anything here or in the skin, but if I have, lemme know.


PS. If anyone can mirror this file it would be greatly accepted. The server its on is my forum server, so it isnt really meant to be there. I'll update this post with any mirrors.

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I've updated the belt thing, and made some modifications to the CTF skins, nothing really noticable. The updated version is available from the same link as before:

Updated Version


I've never been any good at taking screenshots, and until i work out how to take screens in JKII, I won't be :)

This is a shot from the model viewer, just so you can see what the skin looks like a bit better.




enjoy :)

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