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Offical Skin Want List...

Evan Nash

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This means REAL models that are made exclusively for Jedi Outcast. Not old Quake 3 models re-skinned for this game. Here's my want list. Post yours too!


-Anakin Skywalker (Episode II)

-Jango Fett

-Han Solo

-Darth Vader

-Count Dooku

-Emperor Palpatine

-Boba Fett

-Obi-Wan (Old Man)

-Obi-Wan (Episode II)

-Clone Trooper




-Yoda (Must be small)


Small list. Jango, Anakin, and Count are my main wants.


A Yoda would be REALLY sweet.

If you make guys like Darth Vader, you NEED a cape. This is a MUST!!



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I'd like to see these MODELS, not skins !


- Boba Fett

- Han Solo

- Luke Skywalker (Bespin outfit)

- Chewy

- Darth Vader

- Mara Jade

- Obi-Wan (Episode I)

- Anakin Skywalker (Episode II)

- Qui-gon Jin

- And more lightsaber colors like black and sfuff.

- A real double-edged lightsaber with proper animations would also be sweet



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I'd like to see these models,


-Anakin Skywalker (Episode II)

-Darth Vader (Cape!!!!)

-Han Solo

-Leia (in Jabba's slave attire *whistles*)

-Ulic Qel Droma

-Jango Fett

-Jar Jar Binks (Im gonna run around hunting 10 Jar Jar bots slicing and diceing them to bits while cackling to myself like the Emperor)

-Qui Gon Jinn

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Evan Nash: The main problem with having a Yoda is due his size, to have him at that height would be cheap as hell (Try out the Snoopy model for Q3, it's slick as hell, but cheap). I suppose a couple ways around that would be to like, say, have him float or ride around on something. They've done the riding bit with a couple Q3 models, but the polycounts on those were huge (I had trouble loading some individually in the model selection screen), I suppose it depends on what you have, but crouching animations would be odd. For floating, crouching would be easier (he simply lowers), but having hit detection underneath his floating body would either not be there (cheap) or just look really odd.


Of course, there were a lot of odd animations in the game anyway, and having hit detection on a float wouldn't be too odd, but still... wierd.


Skins I want?


Obi-Wan (Episode 4)

Emperor's Guards (don't know the official name, the guys in red that excort him around)


Actually, I could whip up an old Kenobi skin probably in the next couple days for one of the Reborn models, but his robe wouldn't be long enough. Hmm... should I do it anyway? I think I might...

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I would like to see some more unique skins. Though, as much as the next person, I always appreciate the main characters that everyone is familiar with.


But maybe some characters from the books, once moders really start skinning, a nicely bitmapped Kyp Durron would be nice, since I am rather partial to his character. Some good female characters, Mara Jade, Winter, etc. could'nt hurt either. ;)


On a side note, I do sincerely hope that some talented artists will collaborate to create a new Big Fluffy Skin Pack, or somthing similar to it's appeal. I've been playing JK from the very start, and I always found BFP to be my most valuable download. In all the years I played, mods like that continued to better the greatest Star Wars game I ever had the privilage to experience.


Given Jedi Outcast's more advanced game engine, creative new lightsaber capabilities, and virtually limitless new possibilities, I can only hope that we will all work together to make JKII into a similarly unique experience all over again.



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Originally posted by MechDeus

Emperor's Guards (don't know the official name, the guys in red that excort him around)

The Imperial Guard. They'd be a good character type as you can get away with the lightsabre wielding. Carnor Jax and Kir Kanos from the Crimson Empire comics would be good ones to go for.



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I would like to see :




-Jabba (heh)

-Lots of the Aliens from Cantina, ROTJ Jabba's palace

-Lots and lots of ep 4,5,6 characters, not episode 1,2



-Emperor's Royal Guardsman (Old School, not comic book kind)

-Darth Vader (of course)

-The Emperor


-Obi-wan old and young


-That 2 head pod racing announcer thing

-Schmii Skywalker

-Beru Lars

-Owen Lars




-Nikto and the rest of the skiff guards




Thats my list so far, Zuckuss and 4-lom i want the most, as they are my fav star wars characters.



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ahh, Kyp Durron, the second best character in the whole StarWars galaxy. Only second to Anakin Solo (don't believe Anakin is better? Read the New Jedi Order series, you will see that he is VERY much his name sake..minus the whole darkside thing. basically, he's what Vader would've been had he been hugged more often).


Models I want:


Yuzhan Vong (complete with Amphi Staff lightsaber skin..though I don't expect it to shoot stuff or go whip form)

Anakin Solo

Jacen Solo

Jaina Solo

Kyp Durron

Han Solo

Lei Organa-Solo

Anakin Skywalker (ep II)

Old and Young Obi Wan

Darth Vader (w/ Cape preferably)

Mara Jade

oh, and that Zek kid (think it was Zek, he was Jacen and Jaina's friend in the 'Young Jedi Knights' books who ended up working for the Shadow Academy and then coming back to the light side. He's also in 'Star by Star' in the New Jedi Order books.)


yeah, they're all (minus Han) Jedi types, but still :) Oh, and just for the hell of it, throw in Dash Rendar as well.

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My favourite charcher model to play in JK was Mandelore with the Green Sabre :) So here is my list.




-Qui Gon Jinn



-Darth Vader

-Emperor Palpatine


-Rebel Alliance Pilot

-Han Solo




-Darth Maul



-Merc Skin

-Tech Skin

-Pilot Skin

-Infiltrator Skin



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Oh, hell yeah, more robots. I don't care if people whine "a droid can't have force powers!" I'd be C-3PO in a minute.


Might be odd to see him running instead of his usual jittering around.


R2 would be a stretch -- I GUARANTEE we'll see 80% of these models/skins in this thread. JK2 looks like it will live for a long time.

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