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I Am So Not Happy

Natty At School

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Well, even though it's school holidays, I specifically made the effort to come into school today to work on a group assigment with this other guy- who I hate, but that's beside the point. I'm trying to be nice coz he's Asian and so his English isn't very good, despite the lying, despite the constant staring, despite being a wanker and so on and so forth.


OK- so we agreed to meet at 2pm in the library, we swapped phone numbers so incase something happened we could easilly ring the other person and say we might be late/can't make it whatever.


I rock up to the library about 2:00 wander around looking for this guy. He isn't here. OK no biggy I'll just sit down and do some fixing up stuff of my part while I wait for him.


2:10- no sign

2:20- no sign

2:30- no sign and I'm starting to get irritated

2:45- no sign why should I ring him when he's the person who is late?

3:00- someone decides to show up, stay for a min just to say he's busy, he'll be back in half an hour.


**screams silently and vows revenge**


I am so going to change some of the questions on him, just to show that I don't appreciate being forced to wait an hour when a simple phone call would have worked. I'm on holidays for crying out loud the last thing I really wanna do is have to waste a perfectly bewdiful sunny day outside, being stuck inside a library waiting for someone I don't like, and especially doing an assigment with someone I don't like


OK it's outta my system now I feel a lot better- still I'm getting revenge...

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Everyone hates him anyway coz he's a 40something year old lier. He showed up at 4:00 after saying he'd be back at 3:30. I hate him, he's gonna be sorry. I won't be surprised if he fails the course anyway.


Oh well if he wants to work on the assigment next week, I'll have to tell him too bad, I'm washing my hair. It's bad enough he hasn't done anything already and it's due first day back at school. Still the teacher already knows, and so does the head co-ordinator (I love tafe, just like highschool but with the pressure of uni, don't hand the work in, don't get the mark) so since it will be totally obvious he hasn't done any work, he's gonna fail and I'm gonna pass :) The teacher is gonna work a slightly different marking system or something so I'm not dissadvantaged.

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