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Anybody else experiencing serrious motion sickness?


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Hiya, btw. Some of the much, MUCH older members might remember me from the JKvsQ2 forum at whatever that website was called (nice to see that Kurgan, ZeroXcape, and Aristotle are still at it).


After JK, I spent some time away from PC games. I became fans of Battlezone and Dark Reign, both of which would be sadly ill fated. I never got into StarCraft as deeply as one would imagine. After that it was Tribes and tactical discing (and skiing light offense/support). I got into Diablo2, and powered and varianted around throught he expansion a bit until things really started disintegrating (for those who don't know, it pretty much became a slot machine, dumping time into the cow level over and over). I went into CS for a while shortly before the retail release, and became a rather proficient scoutist (that is, after they upped the damage to 2 shots to the chest kill) and decent pump shotty man. I dabbled into Dark Age of Camelot about 3 months after its release, but didn't renew. Not my particular cup of tea (until SWG, anyway). And so I just bought JO today. Just in case anyone's wondering where I've been for the past several years. =O)




I just bought JO today, and have experienced some of the worst motion sickness in single play since the the original Quake. The control feels a lot looser than CS, or even Tribes. Anyone else feeling this, or is my framerate too low/gamma too high/screen too big/inner ear simply too unaccustomed to the heavier motion?






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Navaros..... You are a troll. You obviously don't like this game, so why the hell are you still here? I hate to feed a troll, so I'll make this short: If you do not smarten up, and at least make your trolling somewhat sensible, I *will* ban you.

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Please ignore Navaros' comments , he is only trying to cause trouble . The graphics in JK2 are great , though i might suggest the reason for your sickness is a low framerate - the jerkier motion could be disorienting , try lowering some graphical settings to up the framerate and see if that corrects the problem . Also try changing between first and third person cams to see if that makes a difference , third person is usually easier on the eyes as your field of vision doesnt change as fast . Otherwise you might want to play with the gamma and other options . I hope it works out for you , its a great game .

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Reading the reviews, I would note that they would note that the game starts quite slowly in single player. That's something of a comfort.


I'll give MP a jump when my obligations can take second priority to my restless desires. =O)



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I got pretty bad motion sickness from the game as well, at first anyway.


The solution that worked for me was reducing the mouse sensitivity. On most FPSs (esp. the Quake III-engined ones), I need to set the sensitivity to about 2/3 on the slider before it tracks fast enough. On JKII, that nearly made me throw up a few levels in. Set it down to about 1/4 - 1/3, and the problem disappeared.


Hope it helps.

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Originally posted by Ham Yoyo

After playing JKII for a long time I go to bed and close my eyes and I still see myself moving forward and killing stormies. :)

Heh, happens to me too :) I also see sabers clashing and colors flying around. It really bugs me, since I play JO into the small hours and when I go to bed I can't fall asleep. Also, after playing for a long time, I have trouble typing and reading long, un-paragraphed posts/essays/whatever. In this opportunity I would like to ask anyone who posts long posts to use stops in the middle, for it makes the reading a whole lot easier.

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I got plenty of motion sickness from it as well, the first night.


I just turned off swaying and then bound a key to cg_drawgun 1 and cg_drawgun 0 - so I could turn the gun on and off at will - that solved my problem.


I've never had motion sickness from a game before either....odd

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I noticed there is often this misconception that motion sickness is caused by low frame rates. I work with researchers in the area. Motion sickness is due to high frame rates, not low frame rates. It occurs when what you see is in conflict with what your inner ear senses as motion- or vice versa.


So for example, if your frame rate is high and you are running thru an environment on the screen, your eyes tell you that you are moving, but your inner ear says you are stationary.


This also works in reverse. If you are physically moving, but your surroundings appear to be stationary. That's how you get car sick.


Ways to relieve motion sickness:


1. turn down the frame rate- not particularly useful if you are trying to fight against someone in a game.


2. sit further back from the screen so that the screen does not fill your entire field of view. The stationary border around your monitor will tell you that you are in fact stationary and will help reduce motion sickness.


3. avoid scenes where there is a tunnel spinning along the Z axis. when that fills your view, it will induce vection (the illusion that your body is spinning) which eventually leads to motion sickness.


4. get up and walk around for a while.


The experience you get when frame rates are low is this jarring change in imagery that makes it difficult for you to understand what's going on in the scene. This can be confused as motion sickness.


May The Force Be With You (now back to my Jedi Knight game):)

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Yeah, I don't know how people got the idea it's caused by low framerates, because I immediately noticed high framerates cause it. I noticed this because I didn't have a 3D card until a year or two ago, so I ran games in software mode. No motion sickness. As soon as I got a 3D card and the very high framerate that comes with it, I would get sick after just a minute of playing.


I solved it in JK2 by running in Windowed mode (slower than fullscreen), at a high resolution, with most details set to the maximum. I still got a bit sick, but got used to it. I don't anymore with the game, which is nice.


There's probably a console command that limits the maximum framerate. I know there was for Half-Life.

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Gah if only I saw this thread while I was still at work...


When we got to the point where the game was together enough that we started doing testing, me and a couple other people at work would get some motion sickness also. There are like 5 console commands like cg_runpitch and cg_bobroll which you can set to 0, and that helped me out quite a lot. Unfortunately I don't remember all 5 of them, but they're written down on a post-it note stuck to my monitor at work. If I see this thread tomorrow, I'll post them here.

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Guest Fizz_36

I experienced a very little bit of sickness the first while that I played JO, although I think it's partly from lack of sleep (I just finished spring break :D). Maybe I should turn it up a res. or two :)


Also, what exactly do these console commands you guys are listing change?

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Okay, here are five cvars you can enter in the console that might help a little bit with motion sickness:


cg_runpitch 0

cg_runroll 0

cg_bobup 0

cg_bobpitch 0

cg_bobroll 0


Normally the engine causes the view to pitch, bob, and roll as you move around and crouchwalk. These settings will turn that stuff off. It doesn't affect weapon bob, so your gun will still sway back and forth.

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Guest PissedJedi

Holy Crap! NAX!! What's up man! Damn I haven't seen you in eons! Yup this is the one and only Pissedjedi. Still causing riots in the Jedi community. Now of course Jk2 fixes everything I hated about the mp in Jk1. So its all good now. Tiss fun slicing folks heads off. hehe

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Originally posted by Ham Yoyo

After playing JKII for a long time I go to bed and close my eyes and I still see myself moving forward and killing stormies. :)


Yeh, i did that last night, was playing on some dedicated server last night from about11pm - 5am and when i finaly went to bed i still had JO scenes in my head!! lol

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Hey Oz (or anyone else), is there a way to stop the swaying of your weapon? I know you can opt for the weapon not to be drawn on the screen. What I want is to be able to see the weapon, just not the swaying of the weapon.

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yes, i'm getting some motion sickness as well. I rest occasionally, but with a story and game this good, i'm too addicted to stop. My eyes feel very heavy, got a slight headache.. must be tiredness though due too lack of sleep, long time at PC.


I'm also seeing star wars outcast game bits in my head, but that's cos of the sheer addiction to the game.




Also, i have this habit of getting REALLT close to the monitor, leaning in, when the action intensifies.. can't seem to break that though.

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I'm gonna freakin faint!! PissedJedi and Nax!! I LOVED that JKvQ2 forum. If I had a penny for all the laughs from that site, I'd retire myself and half the country. Good to see you two are still alive and kicking (albeit alittle shocked that PJ isn't banned ;) )


Gredd <- Couldn't register under that name :(


PS. Yes, seeing the old schoolers still running the show is pretty sweet.

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Guest Forceflow

hehe, good old motion sickness, I guess my brain is so used to think I am moving although I am not that it ignores it now :) Been playing FPS' since the good old Wolfenstein 3D! (Now those were the good old times *sigh*)

Speaking of good old times, Nax and PissedJedi, how in the world is it possible that you both registered in 1970??? Now I though I was here for a long time, but 1970, that's insane!

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