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Nearing FIFTY THOUSAND posts

Guest Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Kvan

Havoc I think your lips are stuck to Leon's rear :D

Leon, your right the designers are deserving of that title, I'll stick with Demi-god :)


HAHAHA! Lol!!! :D


Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

I haven't taken anything you've said seriously ;)



believe me, everything I've typed so far has been typed with a smile on my face. I'm enjoying the friendly atmosphere of this board, I sure hope that aspect remains after the game is released and thousands swarm to these boards! :(


Ugh, if only that were true. . . Now it seems there's so much fighting and flaming on the boards. . .


Originally posted by darthfergie

Rommel you have a new aviator every DAY!


Lol! A new aviator eh? Hahaha!!! :D I've only seem Rommel change like 2 or 3 times. . .


Wow, how long was the forum up before I joined? I joined in the beginning of August I think. Seemed the forum was relatively new when I joined. . . I had just gotten SW:Gamer #1 and i was seaching for GB stuff on Yahoo. When I saw GB.com I checked it out and somehow got myself into the forums. Then you guys went and DELETED me and almost drove me to tears! :( I thought I wasn't wanted! :p Then Chris explained to me that you guys were having some problems, and that I should just re-register. Hehe, I had so many, "Help! How do I. . ." threads in the beginning! :D We've progressed really far, but once in a while, not in the right direction. . . Lol, but we seem to be doing pretty good now! :D

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hehehe... nice try, fergie.

That wasn't my 'admission' of spamming in that old thread; it was me explaining why i posted as much as i did.


it seems there was a complaint about spam. while i try to have something to say or i wouldn't post. right now í have the time to go through all the threads, so i'm pretty thorough in answering them, and i guess that when people log in and see my name 40 times, they'll reckon i'm flooding the boards to up my rank.


thing is, i'm in here for the long run and won't post as much as i do now daily, but that's logical, because i'll have GB to play instead of typing this..


So there. If i recall close to every one of my posts was relevant stuff. It even drove some people mad ! Let's see if i can find something on that... hehe.


Yeah, memories....

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Guest Redwing

LOL I just realized that I'm one of the original members here...yet my post count is pathetically low....*feels guilty* I guess I'd better start posting here more often :D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Well back in the day ROmmel couldn't find a trademark avatar...but he eventually just stuck with that snowtrooper...


BTW, Rommel what did happen to Kvan??? I remember when we were competing for posts...*lost in thought*


*sigh* I wish I knew. I miss those days... :(


I've talked to him on AIM a couple times, but...

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