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Taunt Bind


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For Multiplayer

I know

in console you can bind a taunt


bind u +taunt


but I want to know if another command like that can be done ?


like in single , one of the jedi we beat

do a cool trick like turn the lightSaber around in cercle of is hand

very cool

is a command bind for that ???

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I bound that saber spinning above the palm of your hand taunt in SP. In the console just type "bind X taunt", where X is the key you want to use. Type it in exactly as shown....do *not* put a "+" sign in front of "taunt". Not sure if this is what everyone else has already done and described, but I love doing this after I take down a reborn or shadowtrooper.



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  • 1 year later...

From what I gather, this can be done in MP if you're running JediMod or if the server is running Vulcanis AdminMod, Jedi Academy or similar.

Obviously, if you're runing JediMod, you need to be playing with people who are also running it. But the other two are server-side mods, so you shouldn't have to load anything yourself.

Click Server Info on the in-game server list and it should tell you what mods the server is running. After that, it's just a question of knowing the actions to bind keys to... which I don't because I haven't used them enough yet. :p



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