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I can't wait for the new players to leave Multiplayer...


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Well like every new released game, you get a crowd of people buying it. Then the ones who dont really like it leave and well the hardcore, serious, star wars fans stay.... I can't wait cause those damn n00bs charging you when you switch off your lightsaber, which if you ask me is a clear sign that you want a duel, trying to engage them in a duel will leave. Then poeple who are into Star Wars will be able to duel in peace... Like this morning i had this kickass FFA in Bespin streets where we played a duel on the platform where the winner stayed and the other waited and watched. But there are other games where people run around with rockets and dart launchers pissing duelers off, not even understanding that you cant hurt people who duel... This is annoying and i wish they would just grow up. :fett:

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welcome to the fourms cromax. hear *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM*


might have wanted to go easer on the guy, his point is very valid.

it DOES happen in every game........ i think name calling is not called for.......


i know i will think of more points later......



peace out

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Then play on Duel games only, if the "n00bs" with guns bother you that badly. That's what I've been doing lately. You don't have to wait for a time when only the "serious fans" will be playing. You can find that right on 90% of the No Force, Sabers only Duel servers out there.

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Well... looks like I didn't make myself clear. Ok maybe not "newbies" but very very immature people...


And i don't like duel games because you wait and wait after 2 guys healing themselves for ever not even trying to fight ( mostly runing one from the other...) then when it's FINALLY your turn you get bumped back down the line for no reason.



And, no, having the game for fives days does not make me a veteran. But, ever since I bought the game and found out about the duel feature, which was like 15 minutes into a multiplayer game, I've been looking for signs that people give when they want to duel. Like for instance: TURNING OFF YOUR LIGHTSABER! whats the point of killing someone without his sword even turned on just to get a cheap assed kill.....

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Originally posted by cromax

use your common sense idiot, there is never going to be a group of kids willing to watch you saber without being able to get some cheap frags. and "n00bies" wtf are you;, a 5 day veteran?:confused:


lighten up dude... :)



i totally agree, sabers off = no target..


its not very jedi like to slice a dude when he's obviously not posing any danger to you..


i get this all the time




check this thread

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A newbie is someone that hasnt learned about the game and how to play it. If i go play it for 15 minutes and learn everything and starts kicking ass with saber/force combo. You cant call me a newbie. Not a veteran either. Being Veteran takes time...


But newbies are not people who have played for just a week...


They are people who dont know how to play yet

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i think everyone's fairly new right now. i've had it since the 28th, and already there are those better than myself because of experience. (aussies and warez people, mostly)


one thing i've found that helps is educating n00bs instead of saying '-censored- off, n00b' is just explain certain aspects to them, so they'll become pros like us. >D



and power ed: we're not all jedi ;)


despite the name, mp jo is just as much sith outcast >D

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I completely disagree. When you are duelling, that's the way you choose it to be. In FFA the rules are : kill as many as you can. When you put out your light saber to me it might seem like you are switching to guns, there's not a way for me to know that. I kill everyone in my sight.

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Hint: not EVERYONE knows that you turning off your saber means you want to duel. You could easily be mistaking for being an aforementioned n00b who just hit their saber key one too many times. If I had not come to this forum I would have never known. doesnt make me a n00b or an idiot. it just means i didnt read these posts.


imo, the game needs a duel style where everyone can pair off and you dont need to wait in line. Or maybe where there are 3 or 4 duels going on and you wait in line in a smaller group - say a max of 3 people waiting. The current system is too slow imo.

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Tribes 2 had a mod like this - you challenged people while still a spectator, and then if it was accepted both of you would go into a big arena and fight. Other people would do the same thing, but be immune to damage from anyone but the guy they were dueling. Worked really well, was fast and fun.



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i will be glad when the jackass l33tsp33king kill whoring griefers get fed up and go back to q3a and lamer-strike


then we can get to the real business of the jedi purge muhahaha, kill the light jedi , the sith will rule the galaxy forever!

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"You are unwise to lower your defenses"


I never once saw nor will I ever see a jedi or a Dark Jedi turn off his saber and start yapping his mouth off in the middle of a heated battle with major crossfire and explosions everywhere. It never happened in the movies so why should it happen here? Don't speak like that about Star wars fans because people will think we are retarded.


Call me lame but if I was in an FFA server and someone in front of me turns off their light saber while im holding a Rocket launcher...they're getting one off the side of the head. Period.

I'm there to get as many kills as possible in as little time as I can using ANY means to my disposal. Thats FFA.


Now Ravensoft will be releasing the mod tools soon and it is probably going to be a matter of time before bunches of talented people get together and make quality mods that they want to play. Like all games before it this one comes with the standard fare of gametypes. But with mods there can be so much more. All we need is imagination :-)


Incidently I do have a good idea for a mod that all the "Star Wars" fans will drool over, if anyone has experience in modding/editing/mapping for Q3 feel free to drop me an e-mail and we can discuss it.



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I think Inferno's original point calling the offenders "newbies" is off base. I agree with the other posters that a newbie is not someone who kills cheaply. The term I use for that is "whore" :) as in grip'n'drop whore, drain whore, etc.


Anyways back on topic, if you bring your saber down in a FFA, I agree that you are asking for it if you don't know everyone around you...which is when I bring my saber to show I am ready for a duel, I also have one finger on the push key. Someone comes charging with guns blazing? knock em down.

And oh yeah, I wouldn't recommend using a rocket launcher against me :) Beyond saber battles, there's nothing sweeter than throwing a rocket back in someone's face.


Eventually, there will be honor among jedi. I have come across plenty of people who don't want to go into duel mode on a FFA server cuz they are force dependent weenies. :D That is almost as bad in my mind as the ones who just charge you.



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Originally posted by Darf

"You are unwise to lower your defenses"


Call me lame but if I was in an FFA server and someone in front of me turns off their light saber while im holding a Rocket launcher...they're getting one off the side of the head. Period.

I'm there to get as many kills as possible in as little time as I can using ANY means to my disposal. Thats FFA.




Right on dude :)


You get the same attitude on some Quake servers - somehow you're a bad person for fragging in a certain way?!?


"ancient weapons and hokey religions are no match for good blaster at your side kid.."


If the sabre is no good versus some other weapon, then the game balance is out of whack. Personally, I think the learning curve for the sabre is steeper than for a blaster, and after a while, people will be doing amazing things with it. I'm spending a lot of time re-jigging my key layout to find the best way of swapping styles, doing the moves etc.


I played er.. way too many hours of JKII CTF last night (that bespin map is awesome - the sheer scale etc.) and I am currently forced to connect over a modem so my ping was horrendous. There's no way I wasn't going to be taking full advantage of every weapon going - and that bolt gun thing proved invaluable for flag defence. Whilst everyone was chasing each other about with the coloured sticks I hit the force speed key and got 3 caps :)


Yes indeed - a resourceful Jedi (or Sith :-) should use everything at his disposal to dispatch his enemies. The lightsabre may be "an elegant weapon from a more civilised age" by you can be damm sure the Jedi didn't carry them cos they looked nice - they are portrayed in the movies as being much more powerful than a mere gun in hands of a master.


I can see why they've put in the invulnerability for duellers - even in the movies it looks a bit contrived - it's a bit like that scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark where after a lengthy hand to hand fight, Jones turns the corner to be faced by an obviously expert swordsman, who proceeds to demonstrate his skill with a string of twirls and swipes. Jones then pulls out a gun and shoots him dead.... Of course had he been a Jedi with a sabre he might have deflected the bullet :-/


I must admit, there is a certain romance to it which Raven have captured beautifully with the rolls, leaps and back stabs - I find myself using the sabre even though I know my ping means the result may largely be random.. but that IS the spirit of the game after all...


So if you see me on a FFA server - feel free to attack me anyway you can - but don't be suprised if you turn off your sabre and I chop your legs off :) It is a Free For All after all



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Originally posted by TheDarkSide


Eventually, there will be honor among jedi. I have come across plenty of people who don't want to go into duel mode on a FFA server cuz they are force dependent weenies. :D That is almost as bad in my mind as the ones who just charge you.




Yeah but surely the force is an integral part of the experience? Without it, isn't it just sword fighting? Not that there's anything wrong with that - but I for one want to have duels like the ones in EP1 - leaping up onto walkways, and igniting sabre as you land cat like to face your opponent - fiercley battling with your sabre and at the same time hurling your foe backwards, or throwing your sabre at him etc


I think some of the guns are a bit inappropriate - you never see a rocket launcher in the movies - just different shaped blasters, but then there isn't a lot of ammo on most maps, so I reckon people will have to learn the sabre or die a lot :)

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Originally posted by power_ed


lighten up dude... :)



i totally agree, sabers off = no target..


its not very jedi like to slice a dude when he's obviously not posing any danger to you..


i get this all the time



It is if you are a Dark Jedi :)


Note: I play a Dark Jedi but I don't attack people with their sabers off.



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