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"Tactical" sabers?


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I find it disturbing how many people think that lightsaber fights should be "tactical" like in JK1. Maybe I've lost my mind, but I can't recall Obi-Wan and Darth Maul running around in circles using a swing like the 2ndary fire from JK trying to kill each other.

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But Luke and Darth Vader did in RotJ... Remeber when they were fighting all over the place, little bit of saber locks here and a taunt here there. Then Vader using a saber throw on the ledge Luke was standing on...


:saberb:Ty Horn

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and for that matter they were pretty tactical in Empire too. A couple of parries and then Darth does the force thing on all the objects in the room and sends Luke flying..alot of pych games too. I think that was one of the best saber scenes in all 4 movies IMHO.

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Perhaps he's just sick of people like me :D


Here's what happends most of the time when I'm attacked by a non-"tactical" player.


1. He runs up to me

2. He starts slashing out randomly and running all over the place.

3. I stand fairly still and block his slashes

4. He looses health all the time when touching my saber

5. I finish him off with a heavy hit or let him continue to kill himself.


People just don't get it. I know that some people think this "I don't know where the hell I swing this thing" technique is good... but that is mainly because most people use it and have little control over when they hit and get hit. It's just not that funny fighting such a frenzied saber monkey... So yes please be "tactical" ... you will see over time that it is good... and you will have more fun when fighting another player who actually has some control over his saber.

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one thing i would like changed about the sabres is this:

you shouldnt have to put attribute points on them everyone should have full by default and secondly in order to block you should be aiming at the person attacking. its more realistic and skillful as opposed to blocking a shot that came out of nowhere.

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I liked the parrying circle thing, where basically there was an area around the reticle that if an attack came from/through you would block it. It would make Saber fights a bit better with skill with blocking aside from a random factor based on how many points you pumped into the skill


btw- i don't know which one of those JKii uses :)

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Originally posted by MysteriousJedi

one thing i would like changed about the sabres is this:

you shouldnt have to put attribute points on them everyone should have full by default and secondly in order to block you should be aiming at the person attacking. its more realistic and skillful as opposed to blocking a shot that came out of nowhere.



i like the idea of having to try and block the hit ... not just having the character always block automaticaly 100% of the time

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when i fight in duel servers (which i do most of the time) i walk and disengauge my saber unless in a direct fight ... if however im fighting one of those guys who hops everywhere and sets it on strong and just hacks and jumps all over the map ... then i usualy lose, i dont know how to handle myself against that type of player ....:fett:

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JKii, while still bieng tactical does a better job of giving that movie flare to it. You can flip around all sorts of crazy & lock sabers now (although it seems like saber locking can last for a while). Use this stuff to your advantage. Theres nothing like spectating a cool kill where someone flips off a wall to deliver the last strike... unless youre the one doing the striking i guess. :D

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today i was in a dueling server on that map .... the one with the 2 cliffs, jedi2 or something like that? anyways, this fight amongst me and the other person (Cailgo) lasted for like 6 minutes ... and finally i jumped in the air and came down and did a vertical slice with my saber, our sabers locked, i started to overpower him, then he slowly turned the table,overpowered me, my character fell on his back, Cailgo walked up to me and ended my life



best fight iver ever had ....





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I love watching good fights. It's actually more enjoyable than participating in my mind as you aren't frantically trying to keep track of the other person :)


One of the coolest fights I saw on a Duel server had the best ending I've ever seen.


Jedi1 and Jedi 2 for easiness sake :)


Jedi1 jumped behind Jedi2. In response, Jedi2 in lightstance did the back thrust maneuver which managed to block the diagonal upslash of Jedi1. Jedi2 then ran away with Jedi1 right behind him, hitting the wall Jedi2 did the wall flip and in mid wallflip killed Jedi 1.


The other good one had a similar ending with one person running from the other, only they didn't wait for the wall, they hit speed got two steps away, and then did the back spin attack and cut the person (figuratively since it's MP) in half.

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