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Rules of Engagement(for those that do not know)


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It is getting rather annoying when you turn off your saber to challenge someone to a duel and some lamer comes running up behind you or snipes you from long range...so I decided to put together these simple rules that are easy to follow. Now most experienced players already follow these rules of engagement(though there are some who do not--most do).


1. If someone has their saber drawn but not lit(you can do this by pressing 1 to draw your saber than press 1 again to turn it off--press attack to relight it), DO NOT ATTACK THEM, they are trying to type or issue a challenge to you or someone else.


2. If you are challenged to a duel for pete's sake press the K key(yeah it's the key between the J and L keys) to accept or simply walk away, do not fire at the unarmed person challenging you.


3. When two people are dueling they have a blueish/black glow about them, you cannot hurt them while they are dueling, so do everyone a favor and just leave them alone. Do no try to fight them as it serves no purpose and you just get in the way.


4. Remember only two people can enter duel mode at once, so if you see some dueling, then you know you cannot accept a challenge or issue one till they are done, so don't waste precious killing time trying to.


5. Good players will find a spot and post a challenge where they are so others can come duel them(you'd be amazed at how many can teach you some moves or two)....if you go there, use the saber...don't go in with guns blasting or tossing detonators like candy.


6. Remember it's just a game, but everyone deserves courtesy. No need to get mad and curse at players. Heck there are many a time when I have died and I congratulated they person who killed me. Players remember such and gameplay becomes much more fun all around.


There is prolly more that experienced(and some inexperienced) players can add, but for me, I have been up all night and I am tired...so if you want to add something--be my guest.

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whenever i turn my saber of it is to sneak up on someone. there shoudl be common sense rules, though, like, if you see this guy in a corner running, they are not there, and dont kill them for points. other stuff, like general trash talking is dumb. as for duels, how do you challenge? i know k is accept. as for the chaos that sometimes happens (5 people in a bunch twirling around in circles, saber only) there is a lot of strategy. time your jumps, heal, stance, etc.

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i have no problems with guns, i think they spice up MP. but still, i have seen one guy take out 5 altRepeaters at once with the saber. it is just easier to get god with the guns than the saber. once people get good, the games will be that much more intense.

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This is a game and there are no rules of engagment.


Its kill or be killed. :fett:


you want to go duel or set rules then goto duel sever or host a private ip game with a password.


funny stuff is when there are like 6 people running around swiping there lightsabers all over the place and just run in and place a detonator and blow them all to bits. :D

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I agree with Anon,


If you are in a FFA server with guns, don't complain if you get shot. There are servers dedicated to saber fights. Join one of them.


The only Rule I know of and respect is the facing the wall and/or corner if busy or typing. Thats the only time I won't shoot at someone.


Any other "rules" as you call them are rather insane. Everyone can come up with anything they want. Hey how about this..."If I'm holding a rifle, jump 3 times, turn left once...then I want to duel with a rifle"....lol


Dar, You remind me of people in Half Life running around with a crowbar while a full game is going on. They seem to think because they got the urge to do a crowbar fight, that the 8 or 9 people on the server must obay to this urge. Then when you kill them they get pissed cause you used a gun...lol


Sorry...but the world doesn't revolve around you and your rules :)


I agree with your 3-6 "rules" in a way....but be realistic...The game just came out. Not everyone will be familiar with how JO works. Just let them know as the game goes on.



6. Remember it's just a game, but everyone deserves courtesy. No need to get mad and curse at players.


People will tend to get mad if you start laying down rules in a so called FFA server. Especially if its not even your own.

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Originally posted by Dar

It is getting rather annoying when you turn off your saber to challenge someone to a duel and some lamer comes running up behind you or snipes you from long range...so I decided to put together these simple rules that are easy to follow. Now most experienced players already follow these rules of engagement(though there are some who do not--most do).


Uhh.. do you want to submit this to LA so they can include it in the upcoming patch? I mean seriously, if you expect me to follow YOUR rules when playing on a FFA server you can forget it.


I see no where in the manual that tells me that I'm not supposed to shoot specific people doing these things. I think if you want to duel, then try those servers that LA created the gametype for.

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there are certain rules of conduct on an online game that you do obey. One is the corner thing, two is the lag issue (running into a wall). Normally I would agree that you dont force your playing styles on others, and I agree with the HL crowbar statment, but if your challenging some one and some jeark comes up and kills you while your doing so its pretty irritating.

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Theres a problem with the saber off means peace thing.


For example, you're fighting someone and they know they're about to die so they put their saber away...You kill them anyway. So they then begin to ***** about you how "I put my saber away, you shouldn't have killed me".



This also happened in JK1 with the fists is peace thing. This is really annoying and should never be used.

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you just have to use some common sense.


i personally turn off my sabre anytime im not fighting, why? because i have less of a signature and i can blend better.


but you have to use common sense, if a guy charges into a group fighting, then turn off his saber, hes not gonna go afk in the middle of a fight, hes obviously challenging someone.


this is what i do, if i see a guy, moving around, w/ saber off, then he is a combatant, but if i see a guy in a corner, w/ saber off, i leave him alone, also if he is in a middle of a huge brawl w/ saber off, i leave him alone, because he is probably requestinf a duel.



however, since none of these are absolute, caution is advised.

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For example, you're fighting someone and they know they're about to die so they put their saber away...You kill them anyway. So they then begin to ***** about you how "I put my saber away, you shouldn't have killed me".




I Agree.

That happens in just about every game one way or another.


My personal favorite is when you are fighting someone and they suddenly take off running to face a wall. Then you kill them and they cry "Hey I was typing". My Reply is always "Ya sure, typing your will no doubt"



I usually use common sense. I do not go around hunting the people just standing there. I will approach them to see what’s up. But if something smells foul...you are going to get shot or sabered.

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Originally posted by COLT 45


Uhh.. do you want to submit this to LA so they can include it in the upcoming patch? I mean seriously, if you expect me to follow YOUR rules when playing on a FFA server you can forget it.


I see no where in the manual that tells me that I'm not supposed to shoot specific people doing these things. I think if you want to duel, then try those servers that LA created the gametype for.


acually, the dudes right.. ya think its very jedilike to shot an unarmed man in the back of his head while he's crouching?

that sounds more like an execution to me


i never complain if some1 does it to me though.. after all it is the nature of a ffa game to get the highest frag points.. only time i DO complain, are in the servers made for this kinda game, where u get a popup message displaying the rules when you log on to it.

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there's one thing i wonder: especially ffa_bespin


theres a platform, usually used by people for duels but all the time someone shows up to fire into the crowd. that's not 'killing the others' it's 'im so lame that i need to collect as many cheap kills as possible'.


show me at least ONE duel server with:

a) only 4 players so you dont have to wait for hours

b) force powers off (because the boring drain/grip combo is just as 'lame' as firing into a defenseless crowd)

c) a good ping

and i won't play anywhere else. if there WERE decent servers for duelling nobody would waste his time in remote areas of ffa games being shot by loosers who run away from other 'gunwhores' and rather fire some rockets into people just waiting to duel.


it's not about the ones who happen to shoot somebody thats running around with his saber turned off but the ones who are even going after those 'dueling-spots' because they couldnt score a kill any other way. the levels are big enough, does it really hurt to let the duelists have a small part of it and let them alone?

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The only thing that I don't like about the deul mode is the color they glow to the spectators. To me whenever I see them I automatically think they have asborb on, they should be the same white/clearish color as when you are in the duel. Also in the midst of a fight people like to challange me, and it just so happens that when they hit the K button my saber is 2 inches away from them and I kill them :( But I do always make a note to apoligize.

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there's one thing i wonder: especially ffa_bespin


theres a platform, usually used by people for duels but all the time someone shows up to fire into the crowd. that's not 'killing the others' it's 'im so lame that i need to collect as many cheap kills as possible'.




it is called FFA_bespin. As in FFA. You can go in to duel, to shoot, to dance like a ballerina but please don't complain if you get shot. You simply need to learn to deal with it. Be more carefull about where and when you drop your guard.



b) force powers off (because the boring drain/grip combo is just as 'lame' as firing into a defenseless crowd)


Once again, you need to learn how to deal with this. It is part of the game and is available to you as much as anyone else.



it's not about the ones who happen to shoot somebody thats running around with his saber turned off but the ones who are even going after those 'dueling-spots' because they couldnt score a kill any other way.


Has it occured to you that perhaps not everyone knows about the "dueling-spots"? Once again this opens the door for anyone and everyone to start dictating.."this is a dueling spot, thats a shooting spot, thats a spot to go pee if needed...bla bla bla"



if there WERE decent servers for duelling nobody would waste his time in remote areas of ffa games being shot by loosers who run away from other 'gunwhores' and rather fire some rockets into people just waiting to duel.


I'm sure there are some decent servers out there that can come close to your needs. If not its only a matter of time. Until then keep a smile and don't complain about people playing a Free For All on a Free For All server.

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A few things.


One: I already have a simplified version of these rules. No Saber = No fight, and Always accept duels, except when in need of health.


Two: Duel Servers SUCK!!! Find me a duel server with only Jump and Throw in the rules (and it'll have to be one that's VERY well admin'ed because you can't selectively disable powers) and I'll play there non-stop, as long as my ping is decent. A duel server is no where -near- a real duel. In a real duel, the only thing you can use is your saber, and a bacta tank. THAT'S IT. In a duel server, things SUCK, 'cause you can use whatever force power you want, and it's no longer about the saber, it's about who can lightning/grip you the most. I bought this game for the saber, not for guns, or stupid force powers that kill you at a distance.


Three: A lot of times I'll challenge, they'll attack, and THEN accept. Very lame behavior.


Four: If I'm running around with my saber off, it's to hide from the damn n00bs that kill you no matter what, and because I'm looking for duels.


Five: I -would- join saber only servers, but it's not exactly LISTED in the server list, now IS it?


Six: I agree. That damn blue glow needs to go. It looks ugly.

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Another thing. I like to duel with people with all of my force powers active. wierd, but it's fun when your up against a non drain Dark Jedi. There's fun to be HAD. anyways, if you see two guys going at it, in a corner away from the main battle meele, there probably force dueling, and wish to be left alone.


At least i know i do.

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acually, the dudes right.. ya think its very jedilike to shot an unarmed man in the back of his head while he's crouching?

very jedilike? dude, its a game, wake up, were not REAL jedis, we play games, we try to win, thats it.

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You are the guy that walks into McDonalds and asks for a cheese burger where the meat must be fried 1.5 mins on one side, 2.3 mins on the otherside, 0.165" of cheese with a 4.2" diameter bun right?




My point being let people play as they want to play. Especially on a FFA. If you choice is to be on a FFA cause you hate the other game modes...then thats your choice. But keep in mind that some people in the FFA are there for just that....a FFA.


thanks for your post...gave me a good laugh before going to work :)

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Originally posted by IMF-Arel-

I agree with Anon,


If you are in a FFA server with guns, don't complain if you get shot. There are servers dedicated to saber fights. Join one of them.


The only Rule I know of and respect is the facing the wall and/or corner if busy or typing. Thats the only time I won't shoot at someone.


Any other "rules" as you call them are rather insane. Everyone can come up with anything they want. Hey how about this..."If I'm holding a rifle, jump 3 times, turn left once...then I want to duel with a rifle"....lol


Dar, You remind me of people in Half Life running around with a crowbar while a full game is going on. They seem to think because they got the urge to do a crowbar fight, that the 8 or 9 people on the server must obay to this urge. Then when you kill them they get pissed cause you used a gun...lol


Sorry...but the world doesn't revolve around you and your rules :)


I agree with your 3-6 "rules" in a way....but be realistic...The game just came out. Not everyone will be familiar with how JO works. Just let them know as the game goes on.





People will tend to get mad if you start laying down rules in a so called FFA server. Especially if its not even your own.


Have you ever been on a duel server?? It takes forever just to get a turn. Now if Raven would allow maybe 4 players to duel at once, that'd be fine, but for now, I do not go to duel servers.


Also, I have tried time after time to tell others how to challenge and that they CANNOT hurt those dueling but alas a great many still insist on being ignorant of such details. I constantly see beginners asking what key does what....the answer is simple-READ THE MANUAL!


I am well aware that the world does not revolve around my rules, I am just sick and tired of trying to type or challenging someone to a duel and have someone come running up and kill me, knowing full well I was not attacking or moving. Why don't people read the manual?


Also, what is wrong with asking for a little courtesy?


Halflife?, geez don't get me started on the cheatfest, almost-if not as bad- as counterstrike....cheats galore.

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Go download All Seeing Eye (http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/) and make your own filter for g_weaponDisable "65531". It's not that hard. Or get Gamespy and do the same. Both are free as long as you don't mind a few missing features.


g_forcePowerDisable is currently broken. You can't disable a power w/o disabling jump and a few other neutral or saber related powers. Sine that doesn't work the best you could hope for is a NF Duel server. Those are fairly rare since most people like to play with force powers.


As to your rules... there are no rules in FFA. Some people just may not want to duel in a FFA server. JK2 is not a chat program.


I use my unlit saber as a taunt or to not stand out if I'm running around looking for armor or health. That's just me, but I do not trust anyobody that doesn't have their saber lit. You can go straight into a throw or a thrust with your saber unlit. It's more of a game of chicken than anything else.


If you're going to be dueling on FFA server be prepared to be craped on. You'll die a lot and you probably won't be in 1st. FFA is about kills of opprotunity.


I too wish more than one duel could go on per duel server. That's something that will probably have to be addressed in a mod. I doubt Raven will implement it.


Also, this is not a RPG. This is a fighting game BASED on SW IP. If you insist on following some kind of Jedi "code" be prepared to again be craped on.



Admin : Hosting.com Server Group

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There is two sides to every coin and in JO we have the Jedi Wannabies (who take the Star Wars thing to seriouslly) and you have the people who just play (people have almost every fps game still on their box). Those of us who don't go to sleep at night wishing we were jedi's have accepted that no matter what we feel, say, or believe how the game should play... that there is nothing we can do about it.


There is always someone *****'n about force drain, excesive force push & grip, rocket spammers, or non-ethical jedi's... For goodness sakes... since we are talking logic here, is there anything in this world that is perfect - logically speaking?


...and in an attempt to use jedi reasoning for those who take the jedi thing to seriouslly - In the Star Wars world were the Dark Jedi ethical? Did they act with honor? Hell no! If you are standing their with your light Saber down and get slashed from being... then maybe they are trying to act like evil Jedi's, just as you (not specifically speaking) might try to act like an honorable one.


What was that quote Obi Wan had for Han Solo... I might just modify it. "Who is more foolish, the fool or the person playing in the server with fools?"

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