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Drain needs to be FULLY taken out.


Whatever dev created that power should really be shot in the head.


Take out drain, and replace it with something else.


Problems With Drain


1) Depletes victim's force power in 1.5 seconds or less with next to no force gone by the user.


2) Range is damn far, maybe even as far as lightning.


3) The combo of healing yourself and delpleting the challengers force is too much of a bargain.


4) The power, also, when used really kills your FPS. It can bring your FPS up to 20 FPS lower than your average which is a startling thing during a fight.


5) Duration of time you can use the power is really short.


For those of you who think absorb is good enough to compete with the power you're wrong. Absorb takes half of your force when used and keep draining it while its on. Absorb is also so obvious if your blind, no one is going to feed into it. Absorbs duration between turning it on/off is too long to match Force Drain too.


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I don't know what power you're using, but Absorb doesn't take half of my power when I turn it on... I completely and utterly destroy 9/10 of the dark siders I play in duel mode, both because of Absorb making all their good powers useless and all the good players seem to play the light side anyway.


Drain definitely doesn't need to be taken out. All they need to do is not make it drain force power so fast and it will be fine. If they fix Drain, I think a little more should be done to make Light and Dark equal.. As it is, a skilled Light player can utterly demolish an equally skilled Dark player, and it'll be even more inbalanced if Drain is fixed. Maybe it's intentional that the Light side is more powerful but harder to master, but I'd like them both to be viable options.

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This is just my opinion, but i totally agree.


Yeah i use absorb when i can, but i can't use it repeatedly to protect myself like they can drain.


I can deal with grip fine, but what the hell am i supposed to do if i have no force? Some people say take out a gun and shoot them, but what about saber only games? And even if i did have a gun, most darksiders are able to throw you off a ledge in about 2 seconds.


In that scenario your are screwed, and that shouldn't be how it is.


Other people say to just stay out of its range. Well, uhh.. i would if i could. It's range is pretty far and i have to get in close with my saber, throws alone aren't going to kill someone with their guard up.


For me, it just ends up making the game less enjoyable. Now i understand its a viable tactic, and i don't call people "noobs" or cheaters when they do it. I'm not trying to bash darksiders either, its just that drain is too good.

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For lightsiders who can't seem to figure out how to beat a drainer, bind Absorb to something you can hit quickly. I keep it bound to my right mouse button, and very rarely get drained successfully. Most of the light side complaints about drain boil down to "by the time I've activated Absorb it's too late", so I say you need to activate it more quickly. ;) Drainers lose more health from the whack on the head I give them while they're standing with their guard down, then they gain from draining half a mana point from me.

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Make healing over a short duration (2-4 seconds at lvl 3) and have it be interrupted upon taking damage.




Frankly, as a developer, it's tough to forsee these kinds of things without player feedback (they, after all, don't have the time nor the numbers to play the game like many of us do).



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I agree that drain works too fast. anyone saying to use absorb, has never meet up with someone that constantly uses drain (in a commonsense fashion), because if they did they'd never have any force left to activate absorb ever.


still I don't mind the challenge of fighting against a drain, you can usually get a feel for when they'll activate it (anytime you're in range mostly), but what gets me is that it adds nothing to the absorb-users force meter like all the other forces do. frankly I love grip users, it shoots my force meter to the top when they use it. but a drain user, I have to fight them without any force, which if they combine it with lighting with gradually wear me down without a shot (or swing) fired.

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mIRC, you're the one who's wrong. I've used absorb many times, and it most definitely does not use that much. What level of Absorb are you using?


aletoledo, I've started up Absorb as a Drain starts numerous times, and I almost always annihilate the Drain addicts in duels. It is obnoxious that Drain gives you no or very little force power when you Absorb it; a bug, maybe?

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Originally posted by mIRC

Absorb does take the amount of a half a full bar when turned on, so Zek you have no idea what you're talking about.


christ, dont be such an arse.


whats with these people who constantly act mean to others?


you didn't need to add the "so Zek you have no idea what you're talking about."



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"need i mention how unrealistic it is?


the force is not something that is guaged. it is in the game, but only for fairness. still, being able to drain someone's force power? what's that all about?"




Now THAT is funny.


liek the force isnt unrealistic :o



hehe but all that aside, i think drain is overpowered myself.

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from what I have heard drain is constantly used by everyone in a match and it drains your force bar instantly and kills you in .5 seconds.


I don't have the game yet (getting it tommorow)

please, try not to overreact. you could be depriving us of padawans ;)

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Use Absorb fool, it counters it! Full level Absorb makes Drain useless.


Also if someone Drains you, then THEIR force is drained too, so it's not like they can drain you then grip you and drop you off a ledge. I beat the crap out of Drain users all the time.

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Originally posted by Emon

Use Absorb fool, it counters it! Full level Absorb makes Drain useless.


Also if someone Drains you, then THEIR force is drained too, so it's not like they can drain you then grip you and drop you off a ledge. I beat the crap out of Drain users all the time.


Did u actually play the game ??

No don t take it wrong or personnally but seeing that everyone see that u use less than half a full force bar to drain the FULL opponent s force bar u can pretty much grip your opponent who will be defenceless against it


Also absorb is pretty lame as a counter against it coz it depletes your force , so basically your opponent just have to wait till your e out of force to drain the little bit of force u got left and grip or lighnin u


My opinion about this power is that if it will continue to have the same effect ( draining force for heal ) then it should at least use the same amount of force that u drain from opponent force ( even with this it would still be quite a bargain to use it coz u would heal AND deplete your opponents force bar) and also prevent its use if u got full life


Ho and also plez raven , FIX the damn FPS drop we experience while using this on multiple persons

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push them away from you if its that bad. Once somone uses drain, they are instantly pushed away from me (mouse 3 is bound to push). sooner or later they figure it out that draining me isnt going to work as they will just end up on thier arse 20 feet away.


When draining you cannot defend against a push or pull (though pull aint to good agains a ls wielding drainer, as it makes them closer)


.2 seconds is all it takes for me to hit mouse 3, the they go flying and i can counter while they are on their ass. Absorb works too, bind it to c or something, when drain comes on hit c, it takes .2 seconds, so you lose a tiny bit of force more than him, but you will have more than enough to push away a grip if he/she tries

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Really it's just a matter of binding keys to the appropriate force powers. I get the feeling that many people who claim absorb is no match are scrolling through the powers to find it using the next key. If it is bound to an easily pressed key it can be activated quickly if you have a good reaction time. The drain will then boost your force meter back up whilst theirs remains lower than yours. You can then switch absorb off agian by hitting the key again, your force will then recharge at the normal rate.

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What level of absorb are you guys using, I use level 3 and run around with it on almost constantly and can still pull off everything I do without it....plus when you have it on and get hit by drain dont you get force power back)in ffa servers you are constantly bombarded by drain so you dont have to worry about the force it take, but I could be wrong, this just works for me...



[edit]and as stated above the binding really helps[\edit]

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