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The Empire has no regard for it's Stormies... *SPOILERS*


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No regard for the well bing of their shocktroops


I was in a fire fight with a couple troopers on the stps by the floor puzzle from on Kejim. They both retreated. I back off avoiding dome incoming fire and while I could not see I suddenly hurd a gun turret activate. by the time I looked a trooper had been laid out and then they hit the other one.......


I'm like ok. why would the bases own guns moe down their own troops?????


"The Empire join us, we care"

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This might be a bug, but I wouldn't count on it.


The Empire has never been known to give a damn about it's cannon fodder. Stormtroopers are pentiful and the empire never has to worry about how many they lose.


I mean lets look at how the empire operates.


Lets give our best troops bright white 'armor' that doesn't stop a ewok with a rock from killing them and shows up Extreamly well against any backdrop.


Lets give our pilots ships with no shields, no life support in the ship, and no eject option.


And lets not forget that if you piss off a sith lord, or the emperor, then your life is forfit, no matter what your rank is.


So is it any wonder that the Empire doesn't program it's autoturrents to disregard stormtroopers?

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Here is the thing I did not activate the guns the troopers did.



So I decided to experiement. I using god and notarget I went in to the floor puzzle room and spawned a dosen troops the guns shredded them down. and guess what NOT ONE trooper tried to defend himself LOL


it must be a bug

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Originally posted by JediMouse

Don't forget the fact that no Imperial installation or starship has ever been known to have a decent railing or "be careful, there's a bottomless pit here" warning signs.





lolol :lol: they should have put that in one of the movies, but only for like a 5 second shot, in the backround as a gag... that would have been funny

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Originally posted by Swamp



lolol :lol: they should have put that in one of the movies, but only for like a 5 second shot, in the backround as a gag... that would have been funny


Actually, that would have been better served in Space Balls.... One of my all-time favs, hehe.

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Originally posted by GalacticBulge


Actually, that would have been better served in Space Balls.... One of my all-time favs, hehe.


I love that movie! Instant Casette! It is in the stores before the movie is even finished!


Now my favorite scene was when they were combing the desert and the one guy with the "pic" said, "We ain't found shiat!". I watched that a hundred times.


I actually have my own parody of Jedi Outcast - "Instant Warez! It is on the FTP's before the Game is ever released!"

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Originally posted by Kyuss


I love that movie! Instant Casette! It is in the stores before the movie is even finished!


Now my favorite scene was when they were combing the desert and the one guy with the "pic" said, "We ain't found shiat!". I watched that a hundred times.


I actually have my own parody of Jedi Outcast - "Instant Warez! It is on the FTP's before the Game is ever released!"




How about this one:


She's gone from suck, to BLOW!

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For the sake of being the voice of reason, I've managed to rationalise the Kejim turrets mowing down Stormtroopers.

It's a live-fire training room. The guns are rigged to target any moving objects, so Stormtroopers can practice cover-hopping. Unfortunately as we all know, your average Stormtrooper has no instinct for self-preservation, so they get slaughtered. Oh well, there's always more where they came from...




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Holy Crap! I can't believe you guys are talking about spaceballs! Its a super co-incedence!!! A few days ago my friends and I decided that we were going to make a full single player multi-level mod named "Spaceballs 2: The Search For More Money". Thats an awesome idea about the sign to put in my mod!!! Thanks!!!


By the way we already registered the site so it should be up in a few days. Also this is the first posting we ever put up about it on a Star Wars forum.




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