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What do peeps think of infantry?


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Perhaps im not using them effectively, but apart from AA troops, infantry is crap. THey die easily, and never really seem to damage anything, I know they are cheap, but dont seem to serve any real purpose. The only infantry unit I like is the Empires Dark Trooper.

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Actually I have found that although if troopers Stand alone they will be decimated (Verymuch as in reality) if you give them support and med droids they can be a nasty force to deal with.

Make a few AT-AT's as well as AT-ST's fill them all up with repeater troopers and advance on the enemy's gates just outside of the base perimeter drop the troopers and begin advaning them with the mechs. Very formidable indeed.

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Guest BountyHunter

I love the 2nd level DarkTroopers, 20 or so of them holding the enemy at bay while I bring in the heavy weapons and mechs. Good for securing far off mining areas. It also becomes more difficult to attack numerous troops as they are spread out. They also make for good protection for your heavy mechs and weapons. I hate when my mechs try to run far away to blast them damn troops. Good for mid to close range combat.








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Guest crd_polaris

I've noticed that well commanded groups of infantry with at least 8-10 medic droids will tear apart poorly commanded infantry, small mechs, jedi, and mounted units fairly well. The best command in my opinion is the "Stand ground", that way they don't aimlessly run after other units, but most importantly your medics will heal them faster in tightly packed formations with the "Stand Ground" command, but run like *** if you see At-At's, cannons, or artilery, because they do heavy splash damage to all units within a small attack radius. Infantry do best when protecting siege units like the cannon or your At-At's.

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Guest RetardedChimp

I'm always the Empire, and I use a TON storm troopers in conjunction with aa troopers, medics, tie fighter, cannons, and at-ats. The Empire hasn't failed me yet :D


A large group of repeaters can do some hefty damage, just make sure they have some protection.

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troopers hurt droids and stuff and they are good backups.. the more red lasers you have flying around from your side the better.. now if you expect to take down a dude's TC and 2 forts with your 4 troopers guess again. But try sending in pummels and heavy assault mechs without troopers, aa, and mounted and your also equally stupid. In this game its all about balance.


Thats why Im so damn hooked on it.. i havent even had a chance to play WOOKIES.. I've been all up on trying to find good Gungan strats, TF strats, and Empire strats.


So far I think the only one I have a good game plan for is the Rebellion. I've had the game for hwat 2 weeks? Its complex.

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Guest Tie Guy

I like loading up my assault mechs with repeaters and a couple AA troops. then, once you break the main defenses or see that you need a little extra force you can release them and the enemy won't know what hit them.

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