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How to piss people off in CTF


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You get the flag, then do NOT return it to your base. Instead you run off and hide somewhere or just keep moving and not fight anyone. This would work best in a sabre only match or even one with only sabres and no force.


I have not done it myself, but I thought if you really wanna tick off someone, join their team and do it to them.




*little finger in the corner of my mouth*

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nah emon... in tribes if you went outside the map square with the flag, it returned to base i believe...




but still... some maps are huge and the radar map square does extend into far places where you could hide, so it does happen.

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strange, the first time i played ctf someone picked up the flag where one of us lost it (quite close to ours) and what did he do? heading of to the enemies base. teammates tried to block his way or told him he's going the wrong direction... so i still dont know if stupid or jerk. but considering that he did it again and again i doubt anybody could be THAT stupid.


the problem is: you cant do anything if half the people on the server dont even know how to vote ,-(

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Like I said - I have not played cature the flag. But surely you could keep moving and not letting anyone get close enough to kill you? If you kept doing that over and over surely you would still get the desired effect of pissing people off.


But anyway, I am sure there are other ways to piss people off in games.


Is there a way you could disable voting so only the maker of the game gets to decide stuff? If so - be the host and every 5 seconds into the new map you can change it.


Or perhaps just constantly changing teams. Just as your about to score, change team and so on.


But they are not tested out as I have not played it.

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