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LOADING TIMES: if load times are long for you, read this (UPDATED!)


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Sounds to me like some of you people are not looking after your systems as best you can. Using 3rd party software and tools that come with windows (scandisk, defrag etc) and latest drivers I have always been able to push my system beyond what it can do.


PIII 700mhz

256 PC100 SDRAM

20GB Hard Drive (Old)

Geforce 2 MX 400 64MB


Yes, my system was top of the range and now its not even average. But by looking after it and rewarding it with drivers, and tweeks - http://www.guru3d.com - I have Quake 3 based games running lovely.


MOHAA - 50 - 60 Frames @ 1024x768x32 MAX DETAIL

RTCW - 70 + Frames @ 1024x768x32 MAX DETAIL


Franky i'm suprised you guys are having some troubles on your super systems when my old tin is chugging away.

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I have a PIII 800EB and 256MB Ram with a GeForce 2 Pro with 64megs SDR and I have been running with max texture detail at 32bit for the entire game. The only times I have had a slowdown is with the rain in swamps on Yavin 4 and entering the besieged temple.

My load times are maybe 8-10 seconds from a quicksave and 20-30 between missions, tops.

Maybe its just a fluke?

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]


Not if you use the right detail settings


Does JO have an auto-configurer for best options? or something?


Also, I'd like to know, (of course) your system specs, and detail settings :) Take a screenshot of the options menu or something...


I got a 1ghz TBird, 512 mb PC133 CAS 2 SDRAM, 32mb Gefgorce 2 GTS

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Hmmm turning down texture level...maybe for the multiplayer, but in singleplayer I can endure a little bit longer load times as long as the game shines in full glory.


Btw I have heard that Win 98 does not correctly support 512 MB RAM, while Win Xp does, true or not?

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My system handles the game well enough, I never really have a big FPS hit with full detail (At 10248768, just no Antiostropic filtering), its just the initial load time is almost a minute, and yes my system is tweaked/ overclocked/ updated.

The reloads aren't to bad, and I can live with the long initial load if its rare

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]

(There is also the issue of your AGP aperature setting in your boot-up setup... if it's very high relative to your amount of system RAM, there is a possibility that it could affect performance).


I once heard that the AGP aperture should be about half of what your total RAM is. Is that right?

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Originally posted by fastfonzy


Btw I have heard that Win 98 does not correctly support 512 MB RAM, while Win Xp does, true or not?


I always thought it was MORE than 512


it can handle 512 but over that it freaks... or well, doesnt use it efficiently anyway

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Originally posted by The Wibble

Sounds to me like some of you people are not looking after your systems as best you can. Using 3rd party software and tools that come with windows (scandisk, defrag etc) and latest drivers I have always been able to push my system beyond what it can do.


PIII 700mhz

256 PC100 SDRAM

20GB Hard Drive (Old)

Geforce 2 MX 400 64MB


Yes, my system was top of the range and now its not even average. But by looking after it and rewarding it with drivers, and tweeks - http://www.guru3d.com - I have Quake 3 based games running lovely.


MOHAA - 50 - 60 Frames @ 1024x768x32 MAX DETAIL

RTCW - 70 + Frames @ 1024x768x32 MAX DETAIL


Franky i'm suprised you guys are having some troubles on your super systems when my old tin is chugging away.


what the hell ? it's not like we don't know how to tweak out pcs man.


but with a geforce 2 mx 400 64mb card doesn't matter if you have a 30ghz cpu, you're not going to be getting 60fps+ with mohaa or rtcw running @ 1024x768x32 MAX detail > which i assume you have the slider bar highest for everything.


frankly im suprised that anyone would believe your figures. there's one thing about tweaking and gaining performance, but that doesn't turn a geforce 2 mx + 700mhz system into a capable gaming system for current games at MAX detail or so you say.


unless you're not moving and looking at a wall something. it's not possible for your system to get the kind of frames that you're talking about.

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ChangKhan, I'd say that there definately are game problems with the 3DFX V5500 cards.


The first load takes a long time (that's okay), and the game plays perfectly, but subsequent loads will just hang, and the load menu itself becomes all "stuttery" when you move the mouse.

Hit ESC and quit the game and restart, and everything is perfect again for the first load.


By dropping the colour depth and texture details you can get faster loads and the load menu will stop stuttering, but after doing a few loads, the game will hang on loading again. The really strange thing is that if I am in a "stuttery-wil-not-load" state, and then change the video settings (even if I change them upwards) a load will now work correctly for a while, and then hang later. Is this some kind of initialistaion or flushing bug? I's guessing that changing the screen settings flushes or initialises something that allows the card to reload a level correctly.


I've tried several different drivers and messed about with numerous settings, but it seems the game just doesn't handle a V5500 correctly. Other V5500 owners have reported this on other 3DFX forums.


I'm very disappointed as the game looks so fantastic and plays very fast with FSAA, but the loading/hanging makes the game incredibly frustrating. You have to exit and restart the game everytime you get killed.


I know you could say that 3DFX is gone and the V5500 is obselete, but no other game has this problem (RTCW and Bridge Commander were graphically perfect, and they didn't have loading problems).


Is there any way you can look into this? Maybe it is a simple matter of texture management as you say?


Please bear in mind, I am not complaining about the loading speed, I'm complaining that the V5500 seems to hang on every second and later load of a saved game, even quicksaves.


BTW, I should say my system is a P3-850 with V5500 and 512 megs RAM running WinME

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I can't understand why people are complaining about the load times. I find the load times to be sufficient, its just people don't have enough patience :) I have a 1.4GHZ system with 512 Megs of RAM and a Geforce3 ti200 and I can run the game full details on 1128*xxx with hardly any slowdown.

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ok, let me restate what I said at first. MP load times are fine. Its the single player load times that kill me. Athlon xp 1900, 512 megs ddr, GF3 (original). Loading up the single player, I LITERALLY had time to go fix myself a snack in the kitchen and pour a drink before it was finished loading.

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I really don't know where I stand on my specs.


1.0 GHtz Penitum Celeron

254 MB RAM

8 (????) MB on Intel Video Card


With the games I try they run decent, but I suffer from slowdown with anything above 1024 resolu. I usually have it at 800 resolu at either medium and high settings depending on the game. Games I've tested are Max Payne Demo, American McGree's Alice, Red Faction, SW Starfighter (none of the ships had any color though), and Deus Ex barely ran at all (too much slowdown).

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Originally posted by Chico

ok, let me restate what I said at first. MP load times are fine. Its the single player load times that kill me. Athlon xp 1900, 512 megs ddr, GF3 (original). Loading up the single player, I LITERALLY had time to go fix myself a snack in the kitchen and pour a drink before it was finished loading.


I have basically the same config as you (exept an 1800, not 1900), and I know what you mean. Loads at the beginning of levels are pretty long, and quickloads are longer than average, but not awful. I'm guessing that, like me, your cranking up every possible setting to the max. IMO, it's well worth the wait. Once the levels are loaded, it looks and runs like a dream!


[edit: Welcome to the forums!!]

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Hey Jam, your system would run it decently if you got a new graphics card. That 8mb Intel card is holding you back bigtime. I assume it is your built in graphics right? Do you have an AGP slot available? If you do, upgrading is pretty damn cheap these days. A geforce 3 base processor is as low as $114 right now. Worth the upgrade IMO.

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Ste Cork, who did the load/save stuff, did some loading and reloading timing tests using 2 vastly different system configurations. Here are his findings:


All tests were run from the CD burn we were given internally of the release copy, and dropping out of the executable and re-running for each graphic setting change (and waiting for all thrashing to cease before starting next test). The only settings I altered were choosing the 4 predefined video settings at the top of the video screen. Nothing else was touched at all.


All tests stopwatched from console command "map kejim_base" to seeing "datapad updated"; onscreen.


P3 / 1GHZ / 512MB / GeForce3 64MB


VideoSetting Load time Reload Time (same timing method)


HighQuality 1:15 0:04

Normal 0:38 0:04

Fast 0:31 0:03

Fastest 0:29 0:03


P2 / 300MHZ / 128MB / TNT1 16MB ( crap machine, but for comparison )


HighQuality 6:00 0:55

Normal 2:55 0:42

Fast 1:52 0:20

Fastest 1:45 0:15




Moral of the story: use settings good enough for the hardware you've got


Re-load times are what counts unless you can play every level without dying....

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